Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise , Mr Kaifu has won a small but notable victory .
2 Sara Keays , the former mistress of the former Conservative Party Chairman , Cecil Parkinson , has won a hundred and five thousand pounds libel damages from a magazine in the High Court .
3 In the 1962 election he stood against McAteer , making it clear that he was just as committed a nationalist but criticising the MP for the narrowness of his appeal and calling on him to send his election literature to all voters , not just to Catholics .
4 The four artistes that appeared in this not unnaturally attracted a large and appreciative audience , among them officers from the local police force who subsequently charged the four ladies with ‘ over exposure ’ .
5 Although it achieved sales of £65 million in the last financial year , it has shed a hundred and twenty of its six hundred staff .
6 Moreover , entry into the EC has added a new and ever-expanding dimension to the Prime Minister 's homework , more than doubling it .
7 But now , to the uncertainty about his future funding , was added a new and more terrifying threat .
8 But the Hodgkin Quadrangle has added a handsome and valuable array of buildings to the college stock , and this report ends by expressing gratitude to those who have helped raise money for it , and by looking forward to the celebrations to mark its completion in the late spring of 1991 .
9 Faced with the mounting cost of a war against the American colonies , the coalition government in Westminster had instituted a punitive and highly unpopular tax by the Stamp Act of October 1783 : all registrations of baptisms , marriages and burials would be charged at 3d. a time — and so there was every incentive for local clergy , working on 10 per cent commission , to get around the parish and bring in the strays .
10 My predecessors and I have enjoyed a close and fruitful working relationship with local authorities in Wales over many years and I believe that that has contributed significantly to the efficient and effective conduct of business between central and local government which is the key to the debate .
11 Erm got fined a hundred and ninety six pounds and has got to pay me fifty pound compensation .
12 Britains richest man … was fined a hundred and twenty pounds for speeding at a hundred miles an hour along the M5 .
13 Total losses on Hurricane ‘ Andrew ’ — which is the largest insurance loss ever recorded — are now estimated at $65m and but for this factor we would have reported a welcome and significant return to profitability in 1992 .
14 Medieval society also contained a large and growing number of professional warriors and churchmen , ‘ those who fought and those who prayed ’ , who did not till the soil , or engage in any normal form of economic activity .
15 Since the sixties , rock and pop have been considered a stamping and breeding ground for burgeoning leftist/liberal sensibilities , a place where dissent is felt and upsurges occur .
16 At the very end of this volume , Julian offers a brief glimpse into the world of MIDI — often considered a dark and hostile place by guitar players , but the very life-blood of the modern , sequencer-based home studio .
17 More than 32,000 people visited ‘ Arte Antica 93 ’ at the Lingotto , Turin , from 27 February to 7 March and the event was considered a commercial and artistic success by its organisers , the Sindacato Piemontese Antiquari .
18 Once considered a vital and strategic waterway — huge quantities of war material passed through the canal during the Vietnam war — the Panama Canal has lost some of its importance because of air freight .
19 This case also concerned a joint and several promissory note , to which the defendant pleaded that the co-debtor had been released by deed on making a composition with the creditors , but the deed contained a proviso that it should not operate to prejudice the rights of others .
20 do you think your recommended a hundred and two hectares would cater for all those things ?
21 Dexter had expected a bigger and taller man with the harsh glint of money-making in his eyes , rather than this relaxed , almost shambling , figure .
22 The question is whether Christ and Christianity have presented a new and truer view of God which invalidates the Old Testament picture .
23 Er And it it 's reckoned a hundred and sixty thousand people die a year , of smoking related diseases .
24 This is sometimes possible , too , if you have attended a further or adult education college .
25 ‘ There was a lack of a shared view about what the health service 's purpose was , and yet without that how can you know if you 've done a good or a bad job ?
26 I 'd done a round but and really this time it 's not going away you know ?
27 done a financial and er my er , this afternoon I had a guy come in with a Capri , bloody welding that thing needs doing , I do n't think he 'll get it done , so I was , I was
28 he said and in all my years of surgery I 've done a hundred and odd drainages and that is the biggest
29 I 've done a hundred and twenty thousand
30 He 's now done a hundred and seven thousand , I think , a hundred and eight thousand .
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