Example sentences of "[vb pp] a [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 She must have dozed a little and the train grew stuffy as the sun hit the windows .
2 Erm we done a little but we had n't done that much yet , but my sister tells me as we go , as the year go on and do a bit more about it .
3 I said , it 's okay well we 've got a instead and I went .
4 I I think if you 've got a moderately or well differentiated tumour and i it 's solitary and it 's small and they 're clear at three months tell them to stop smoking by all means .
5 However , Article 15 specified slightly increased levels of HLCAs because the conversion rate of European Currency Units to Sterling has been altered a little and it is recommended that any enhanced payments should be linked solely to conservation undertakings and be re-imbursed by the EEC .
6 He had given a more or less lucid report of everything that happened after the moon rose .
7 Prices have fallen a little but are still higher than in Spain , says John Esplan of Babet .
8 By 1914 , the County Championship had reached a more or less permanent format and was ‘ preserved in aspic ’ during the First World War .
9 When they had recovered a little and pain had given way to the peace of knowing that God was involved in the venture , John Wimber made a further suggestion .
10 Owen Rowlands had slipped a little but at the end of this second day still maintained the lead on 132 .
11 When the undergravel is matured the flow through it will be reduced a little and a small internal power filter added , to give a ‘ belt and braces ’ filtration system .
12 In our old age we have found a more or less peaceful form of co-existence .
13 ‘ Look at them well , ’ said The Daily Graphic ( 16 November 1900 ) when the dust had settled a little and the danger could be looked in the face , ‘ They are the genuine article — real Hooligans ’ :
14 Postwar economic growth , especially in the past decade of celebration of free enterprise and markets , has generated a more or less universal acquisitiveness , and it is far from evident that in circumstances in which the desires which have been aroused can not be gratified , or their pursuit breeds disillusionment , socialism , historically grounded in the labour movement , does or can now provide a new direction .
15 At first she had scraped a more or less adequate living as a free-lance journalist .
16 Obviously , if the alternative offer had involved a considerably or prohibitively higher price , that would tell against the seller .
17 Later in the evening when the place had quietened a little and the cyclists had eaten , I invited them to join me for a glass of wine .
18 The steam seemed to have cleared a little and Lucien could see that Walterkin sat up straight against the far wall , his knees raised , his hands dangling between them .
19 I was spoiled a little and I was happy .
20 But the weather had darkened a little and so he quickly pressed on , anxious to get the city as far behind him as possible .
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