Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [num] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , even when legal principles are committed to one constitutional document , set out in legal codes or reiterated by judges over time , they tend to remain highly ambiguous and not worth the paper they are printed on until somebody — the judiciary — interprets and defers to them in their judgments , and somebody else — the executive — enforces those judgments .
2 We are all linked up and committed to two missionary families , the Collicts and the Meikles .
3 A further £1.2 million was committed to 15,000 square feet of offices and 12,000 square feet of warehousing accommodation at the Wood Marine Base in Aberdeen , a third of which has been let prior to completion to Deminex .
4 Announcing its decision , the Department of Environment said it had responded to three main criticisms : i ) the register would have listed all potential , not necessarily actual , contaminated sites , since it included all locations where specified industries had been sited ; ii ) sites would not be removed from the register , even if after clean-up ; iii ) there was no specific provision for determining who should bear the liability , and the costs , of the clean-up .
5 Different phospholipids and different molecular forms of phosphatidylcholine were also added to three human biles .
6 However , after spending some time amid the pandemonium of this noisy office , Anita had come to one definite conclusion : Laura might well earn an absolute fortune — reputedly a quarter of a million pounds a year — but , as far as Anita was concerned , she certainly deserved every penny !
7 Johnson , as he did at Montrose , also employed much silence , and many who had come to one social occasion or another expecting to hear the grand disquisitioner , found him disappointingly reticent and withdrawn , even if making little antic noises to himself .
8 Before Jos could knock at the door , it was opened by a tiny old woman bent at such an angle that she could not see them without straightening up , her head cocked to one enquiring side .
9 If the interests are restricted to the history of one particular place , or confined to one special area of study , then a private library of books and offprints is quite readily assembled .
10 Hence the Left was not merely confined to two small and quarrelsome groups outside the Labour Party but the Party itself was quite satisfied to keep things that way .
11 In view of these factors my discussion can be confined to three inter-related aspects of the economic impact of land reform .
12 Within the BBC , music is confined to three national networks , Radios 1 , 2 and 3 , with a limited amount being featured on Radio 5 .
13 In 1763 the now very substantial collection in the Louvre ( even in 1715 it had amounted to 2,000 bound volumes ) returned to Versailles to be kept there in a new foreign ministry building .
14 ‘ Whatever I say , ’ he said , ‘ will probably be addressed to two old ladies and a stray sheep .
15 It had no wheels and the horse was harnessed to two long shafts that he dragged along the ground .
16 Sponsored by Caterplan Division , CPC ( UK ) Ltd , the awards are presented to 30 young professionals in the catering industry who have displayed exceptional talent in their career before their 30th birthday .
17 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where any of the aforementioned situations arise .
18 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan and 4 Star policies , as this cover is not available for holiday homes .
19 Normally this should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies , as this cover should not be provided where a business is run from the same building and the public have access .
20 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies .
21 This should not be applied to 5 Star Maxplan or 4 Star policies .
22 However , when people were asked to say whether or not they thought any of a range of 12 comments applied to six main types of credit , their answers added an important qualification to this .
23 As an example of the conditions applied to one new scheme within the Dartmoor area , there were strict guidelines on using approved natural slate for the roofing , for the position of the gable on an outbuilding and even for the lining materials to be used for proposed trout-breeding pools .
24 This is the tensor form of Gauss 's ‘ Excellent ’ Theorem applied to one geodesic surface .
25 In Section 5 we show how the structure developed here can be applied to two economic problems , one of limit pricing , the other from the optimal policy literature .
26 A random sequencing strategy applied to two large Sal I restriction fragments ( SB and SD ) of the African swine fever virus ( ASFV ) genome revealed that they might encode proteins similar to the two largest RNA polymerase subunits of eukaryotes , poxviruses and Escherichia coli .
27 Let us look at two examples of these principles applied to two common disciplinary ‘ problems ’ .
28 He said their figures applied to five other water authorities as well as AW , and said disconnection was only carried out as a last resort , when all other methods failed .
29 But within a few weeks of William 's appointment she had applied to three different London boroughs for a job — any job — in social work , taken the first one she 'd been offered , fixed up the flat , put the cottage on the market , found a school for Edwin , and fled from the last five years of her life with almost indecent haste .
30 The children not adopted stayed in the original creche until they reached the age of 6 , when they were transferred to two other institutions for boys and girls respectively .
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