Example sentences of "[vb pp] and can [be] " in BNC.

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1 By the time the latrine needs emptying again , in about 15 years , the sludge will have decomposed and can be dug out and spread on neighbouring farms .
2 The effects are widely varied and can be static shimmers of colour , rolls comprising crescendos and diminuendos , or simply beaten rhythms , which can be as complex or simple as one could wish .
3 There 's much more to it than can possibly be covered in an article of this size , but keep an eye out for some animations complete with a run-time player ( that is included and can be freely distributed ) on BBS systems .
4 The top surface Carboniferous was chosen because — in contrast to stratigraphic reference levels , like , e.g. , the Westphalian C/D boundary — it has been penetrated and can be identified easily in most boreholes .
5 They are weatherproofed and can be sited permanently outdoors if required .
6 Activities , which society had previously disapproved of and banned , are now permitted and can be freely indulged in .
7 It is an active faith : a belief that something needs to be done and can be done by this man Jesus .
8 They sit tight , are unlikely to budge unless really disturbed and can be easily shot with a .22 rifle or even a high-powered air rifle .
9 Applications for the 1992 award are now being accepted and can be made through only one academic institution .
10 Most designers have an intuitive but unformalised picture in these terms but it is of great utility to produce these pictures in flow diagram form so that any differences of view are revealed and can be reconciled by discussions during the process of agreeing the diagrams .
11 The gas is collected and can be burned directly for domestic heating and cooking or used to produce electricity in a generator ( see figure 5.21 ) .
12 With a water butt , the water is collected and can be used for gardens .
13 Landscape , pasture , workplaces and cemetery are all incorporated and can be experienced from the abbey garden .
14 As I suggested above , information , opinions and even historical anecdotes are all gratefully received and can be forwarded to the writers via .
15 It can be seen , then , that we are dealing with a condition that is some two or three times as common as gonorrhoea , for which an organism is implicated and can be grown in perhaps 50 per cent of cases ; and yet there are no facilities , generally , for its isolation .
16 A roof has fallen and can be replaced .
17 In hand knitting these braids are developed and can be worked over a wide number of stitches , sometimes forming basket weave patterns , but on a chunky machine there is a risk of forcing the needles .
18 ( b ) You can not study some of these paths closely — they are guarded and can be viewed only from a distance .
19 When using this option to introduce new media items , you must tell LIFESPAN what state it is in , selecting either 1 , to reserve the code for an item not yet initialised , or 2 , to indicate that the item is initialised and can be used .
20 The food is ingested and the bacteria may lie dormant in the bird , where it contaminates the eggs produced and can be excreted and spread around the flock .
21 Therefore the answers are closed and can be found by reference to a suitable book .
22 ‘ We firmly and explicitly reject the idea that a Ph D student should be primarily a research assistant involved in an ongoing research project … the preparation of a Ph D thesis … provides a means of ensuring that research undertaken is preserved and can be made available to others . ’
23 APPROVED-BY the module has been formally approved and can be issued as part of a product .
24 The myogenin gene has been isolated and can be introduced into non-muscle cells where it becomes integrated into their DNA .
25 If the hard palate or septum of the nose are involved , the underlying bone is also affected and can be perforated .
26 Productivity tests involve consideration of fee received against time-cost invested and can be applied to the analysis of work types and clients as well as staff .
27 This risk to promotion chances is well understood and can be clearly illustrated .
28 It is probably not realised how English this type of gesture has become and can be seen in many English ballets .
29 In 2 days they will have hatched and can be transferred to the aquarium ( containing a salt solution ) where they can be kept at room temperature like water-fleas .
30 For routine work , particularly with limestones , where the colour range is restricted and can be adequately represented in grey tones , black and white films are satisfactory .
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