Example sentences of "[vb pp] and there [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The interpretation of the requirement in practice has varied and there has been a tendency for some companies to understate rather than emphasise the significance of what they have done .
2 It is as if this had been the artificial carapace which had now dissolved and there emerged the smiling , bright-eyed figure of Eliot , with an expression close to that of the photographs taken of him in childhood .
3 This has enabled S C F to persuade the Home Office 's prison department to run such facilities and budget for such facilities in every prison to be rebuilt and there appears to be no shortage of those , or designed from herein after .
4 During the short period of political troubles between the Old and Middle Kingdoms solar and Osirian ideas of the afterlife were to some extent merged and there occurred a democratisation in funerary beliefs .
5 Of course play may well be slowed down if the new rules are imposed and there has to be a ballot before every strike , but while that is being negotiated Mr Christie may well resort to the block vote at the back to defend his resolutions .
6 In industrialised countries , such rudimentary amenities as piped water and sanitation have long been taken for granted and there has been a virtual elimination of major infectious diseases over the past century .
7 Suddenly , on the other side of the path , the fern parted and there looked out a long , dog-like head , striped black and white .
8 He went on to report that on the previous Saturday , Field 's case had come before Mr.Justice Heath ; three of the four witnesses had been examined and there had been no evidence to prove that the deceased had received blows on her stomach , the diseased state of which organ caused her death .
9 Since 1986 all blood has been heat treated and there have been no cases since then .
10 I would say that they were accurate when they were produced and there produced on the basis of accuracy at the time and they would be reviewed after the first financial period
11 The shipyards , the traditional industry , had closed and there had been widespread unemployment .
12 All the land and other assets had not been valued and there had been no consideration of a clawback provision should the company profit from subsequent disposals .
13 And on they travelled through the forest until they came to a place where the roads crossed and there sat an old woman resting on a stone .
14 Young and old people may be affected and there seems to be no way of knowing who will have this kind of problem .
15 The original money was quickly invested and there has since been a stream of rights issues , particularly from companies in Thailand where the fund is 37.8 per cent invested .
16 The legacies of these origins have persisted and there has never been agreement on the nature of international affairs , on the proper methods for studying them , or on the range of elements which theories of them must take into account .
17 Since that time , interest rates have increased and there have been the well publicised problems in the sector .
18 Lambert has been widely criticised and there has been speculation that the controversy could lead to his departure from the FT .
19 The invasion threats , which had seemed so immediate in 1948–49 , had subsided and there had been fewer incidents on the parallel .
20 The months passed and there came a week when the purple flowers of the heather took over the moorland slopes and brought with it the sense at last of autumn , a time he loved .
21 I 've had a letter from our Ken He writes , pensioners are now , are growing vi vital contingency including many active gift enable people with other use , there often made to feel unwanted , there commonly neglected and there needs are seldom frequently met .
22 Later , under the influence of the Communist Party , this attitude changed and there began a movement for unity and common action . "
23 And the other thing erm which er er is good , supposing you 're watching er a programme and there 's a football match on and you 're interested in the , the football er but you do n't really want to keep , you know , switching to find out what the score is , er I 'm talking about teletext as opposed to a programme , you press the update and it w er and if something 's happened , you know , they 've changed and there 's been a score , it 'll come up er er while you 're watching the programme , er it 'll let you know that erm there 's been something happening .
24 Intelligence suggested that personnel had recently returned and there had been a significant increase in the number of aircraft seen and in the locations at which they had been sighted .
25 None the less , in very many cases ‘ hands-on ’ care is still required and there has been a distinct failure to understand the needs of discharged patients for continuing support of this kind .
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