Example sentences of "[vb pp] and at the " in BNC.

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1 Aung San 's demand for eleven seats out of fifteen was not conceded and at the end of the month the Governor appointed a Council of ten members , of whom only two were British .
2 Our role is to propose a prudent council tax and that is what we 've done and at the end of the day I agree , the figures are juggled one way or another but it does show a net saving of one point three million and however you look at it Mr Mayor I 'm sure the leader of the council , if he adopted these proposals , could then find somewhere a sum for a stress control officer .
3 With a brief nod and a smile that again dazzled and at the same time almost lulled her into thinking things were going to be normal between them from now on , he left .
4 But the protesters were oumumbered and at the end of an hour they had been thrown out , some of them after suffering enough physical damage to require a visit to the casualty department of Hammersmith hospital .
5 And it begs the question on whose authority the nursing home place was accepted and at the price asked .
6 The common-room was large and comfortably furnished and at the far end included pool tables , dartboards and table tennis .
7 In 1991 there were fewer people killed on the roads in Lothian than at any time since 1975 when the Region was formed and at the same time the Region experienced the second lowest casualty total .
8 On replay with a correcting network , the signal is normalised and at the same time , the signal to noise ratio is improved .
9 ‘ By looking at what happens after the long-stay hospitals have closed and at the fate of people who might in the past have found their way into such institutions ’ , MIND argued , their survey ‘ offered a more exacting test of care in the community . ’
10 I think they 've built They 've opened London offices , many of them , if those offices grow so they acquire the sort of breadth and depth of experience in the relevant areas that the big firms have got and at the moment er they may not have , then of course they 'll be more and more competitive .
11 A subtle psychological barrier was crossed and at the next two evening sales , as Swiss dealer Jan Krugier says , ‘ The revival of the Impressionist market was astonishing ’ .
12 Both houses were badly damaged and at the DSS offices some damage was caused to the door and surrounds of a porch .
13 The hours can be calculated by totalling all the man hours expended as a result of the false report , e.g. a false report is made by a driver , involved in a hit and run accident , that his car had been stolen and at the time of the accident it must have been driven by the thief and not himself .
14 In February 1974 a mobile library service was inaugurated and at the end of its first ten years the number of books lent should have grown to nearly twenty times as many .
15 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
16 Dismayed at the pain he had inflicted and at the pain he himself felt in consequence , Richard rushed forward , then stopped a few feet from Victoria twisting from side to side in frustration , wondering how he could stop her crying .
17 Positive action rather than positive discrimination is the approach , and that , these are targets not erm , contracts , and if after four to eight years , it may well be the case that women have been taken on and have left and at the end of the time , that there there is no woman chartered engineer .
18 Provided Mr X was not domiciled in the United Kingdom when the settlement was created and at the relevant time , eg the death of the son , the assets were not located in the United Kingdom , inheritance tax would not be in point even if the son is domiciled in the UK .
19 Such value judgements must , however , be controlled and at the level of functions : this might lead to precise descriptions of particular skills appropriate to one or the other but would not justify the grandiose claims for ‘ logic ’ , ‘ objectivity ’ and ‘ culture-free neutrality ’ which we have been examining .
20 In all nasal consonants , the soft palate is lowered and at the same time the mouth passage is blocked at some point , so that all the air is pushed out of the nose .
21 In order to understand their significance and the ways in which money supply can be controlled , it is first necessary to look at the various types of account in which money can be held and at the various financial institutions involved .
22 At higher speeds it is difficult to dissipate sufficient of the energy of motion of the Moon for it to be captured and at the same time yield an Earth-Moon system that resembles the one that actually exists .
23 and nature of Man — of convincing one 's nerves that the world is full of Misery and Heartbreak , Pain , Sickness and oppression — whereby this Chamber of Maiden-Thought becomes gradually darkened and at the same time on all sides of it many doors are set open — but all dark — all leading to dark passages .
24 Does he not realise that many Members on both sides of the House and many staff who work here have to eat morning , noon and night in those cafeterias , and that there is a desperate need to take on the services of people who are qualified and at the forefront of their field in this subject ?
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