Example sentences of "[vb pp] and he had " in BNC.

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1 The coffee at the cafe had perked him up long enough to tackle the reviews but then heat and alcohol had won and he had nodded off .
2 He had n't exaggerated and he had n't tried to make the SS seem worse than they really were , the way everyone had assumed . ’
3 In the flicker of an eyelid the hostility had vanished and he had become a model of charm and smiling good humour , as he politely asked her all about herself and answered her questions in return .
4 Crook in particular was anxious to leave the ground floor flat because his windows had been smashed and he had been attacked .
5 In that case a fork-lift truck with a fail-safe device failed ; the plaintiff was injured and he had no idea what had gone wrong .
6 Pogo 's family were very well connected and he had an entrée to every branch of society .
7 The applicant sought judicial review of the decison of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 26 June 1991 , in the course of criminal proceedings against the applicant , to seek to enforce his compliance with the requirement contained in a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to attend at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information in respect of her investigation of the applicant alone , afer she had caused him to be interviewed under caution on three occasions and thereafter charged him with an offence , at a time when and in circumstances whereby ( a ) the applicant 's application for legal aid had not yet been granted and he had neither legal advice nor legal representation available to him ; ( b ) the Director had stated that she would not cause the applicant to be further cautioned in compliance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 of the current Codes of Practice issued pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
8 Mr Boban had previously accepted the map , but changes had been made and he had to sign it again , Mr Vance said .
9 Always he felt sick when he ate , but he had been taught and he had learned , and his eyes squinted shut and he swallowed .
10 The knot under his chin was still firmly fastened and he had extensive burns on his head and face .
11 " Right then , " he said , when operations were satisfactorily completed and he had taken a swill of ale , " let's not back and fill , let's have everything full and by . "
12 The cautions referred to had been given and he had been questioned months earlier on the first charges .
13 I looked up the authentic sources ; the Comte de Horne turned out not to be an illegitimate son of Louis XV ; the marriage had been consummated and he had died of indigestion .
14 Allen had been interested in the sack ; she had seen him stooping where the sack was hidden and he had been doing something with it .
15 Mr Hallam was seen by a surgeon who found that his lower jaw was broken and he had damaged teeth .
16 His written work , like both his brothers ' , was neat and controlled , consisting of short accounts of daily events which the teacher had transcribed and he had carefully illustrated and copied .
17 All his family had died and he had walked for two days without food to find aid .
18 Well , only the once , when Steven Blowers had died and he had looked up at the parents , and then a curious bleakness had stolen over his face and drained the life away .
19 He had not eaten anything apart from the occasional so-called mash since the crops had died and he had only been allowed that because of a special emergency food supplies being sent in from other parts of the country .
20 And for one moment , when his eyes had opened and he had looked at her , she had been so sure that he had loved her back .
21 When she pointed out this might mean she would be on her own yet again throughout another summer he shrugged and said it could not be helped and he had no choice .
22 And Truman felt that his authority as president was being directly challenged and he had no alternative but to sack MacArthur .
23 The tumour had recurred and he had four previous operations , ending up with anastomosis of duodenum to mid-transverse colon .
24 Jonas Hamilton 's health had deteriorated and he had had to go to the States for tests .
25 The sympathetic voices preferred to argue that Charlie 's champagne bubble had burst and he had been smitten by the sentimental Scottish condition called homesickness .
26 themselves and cut themselves and for , for Allah and whatnot hit and he had two policemen , now if they had , they 're , they 're not allowed to stop you and ask for your identification unless they have policeman with them , but they can arrest you and take you to their police station and they can be quite intimidating and , but they were going round , there was American service in there who have little cards written on it , they said they do n't have to cover their heads they , they 're allowed to do just as well as they please
27 He had been trained and he had passed all the standard regular practices , I could not .
28 Sure , his confidence was dented and he had lost a little of his self-assurance and cockiness ; but these returned soon after his home-coming .
29 Turning into the stable where he had helped Jos , he breathed in the forest smell of the logs which Jos had chopped and he had piled .
30 apparently turned up this morning and they want a hundred pound by tomorrow , and they 're coming back tomorrow for it paying him ten pound a week and thought it was gone and he had er none so find a hundred pound by tomorrow and she did n't know where she was going to get it from , she just stood there and burst into tears and run off going on
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