Example sentences of "[vb pp] the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
2 Yet in a time of " unprecedented inflation , unprecedented wage demands and an unprecedented number of strikes " ' , most groups can be considered as having limited the fall in real earnings rather than as having maintained , let alone increased them .
3 The US operating margin was narrowly the highest , but the rise of over half in interest charges limited the rise in pre-tax profit for the whole group to 10 per cent , at £427million .
4 The constable need not have witnessed the conduct in question before he utters his warning ; he could act on the basis of a report that he received from a person who has been caused harassment , alarm or distress , or on the report of somebody who has witnessed it .
5 Detectives hunting the raiders have appealed for anyone who may have witnessed the incident in Brodie Avenue just after 6pm on Tuesday .
6 One suffragette , Rosa Lamartine Yates , recounted that she had witnessed the double-standard in action while standing bail for two women at the west London police court .
7 The last 20 years have witnessed the increase in procedural rights for licence holders or applicants , but the disbursement of such benefits is still subject to irrational distinctions .
8 Namely , he will be inviting your Lordship to er look at whether or not the business the plaintiff 's would have failed in any event er because it is the defendants case relying er extensively upon the opinion of their expert Mr er that even if the plaintiffs had had the finances which were originally anticipated and had completed the deal in accordance with that , the probabilities are that this business would have failed in any event and that they would have incurred the losses they did er so I anticipate there is going to be a dispute between us as to the basis in which your Lordship is to determine compensation in this case .
9 On 2 July 1987 her husband had stopped the car in front of her and insisted that she should sign , but she refused .
10 For a long time we have made it clear that the largest restriction on the growth of the transplant programme is the availability of donated organs , although it is not a restriction which has stopped the programme in its tracks .
11 Once you have stopped the attacker in his tracks , then you can deal with the grip itself , but until then it is a second priority .
12 The Swiss Government has also submitted its application for membership , but has not yet received the assent in the referendum which it requires for this application to go forward formally .
13 ANDES has criticized the way in which the mass media portray women and in 1975 staged a protest march against the Miss Universe beauty contest held in San Salvador that year .
14 Although he says that he intends to keep an open mind , Montagnier has criticized the government in the past for not supporting more research outside the mainstream and for not paying more attention to Africa .
15 In order to restore those convictions , the Crown must say that the Act of 1968 has altered the law in such a way ( among others ) that anyone who , by a false representation such as a worthless cheque , induces an owner to sell property is thereby guilty of stealing .
16 In Britain , the 1990 Broadcasting Act has significantly altered the way in which the Christian faith can be represented in radio programmes .
17 With his account of the three categories , Habermas has also substantially altered the way in which ‘ ideology ’ can be considered .
18 Clearly , though , the scale and the nature of the crisis have altered the context in which struggles occur , and have set constraints on the effectiveness of inherited patterns of organisation and action .
19 The post-war switch to Peter Drucker 's pension-fund socialism has altered the form in which ownership is separated from control — and made hostile bids likelier to succeed — but it has not changed the basic issue .
20 Holomisa was opposed to the homelands system and in February 1990 had promised to hold a referendum on Transkei 's possible reintegration into South Africa [ see p. 37306 ] ; he strongly supported the ANC , and had legalized the organization in Transkei in February .
21 Also try to receive a thorough briefing from an experienced instructor or pilot who has flown the type in question .
22 Their builder clad the tower in old stone to give it an ancient appearance .
23 WHEREAS the Authors have assigned the copyright in the Work to the Company together with all future copyright arising in connection with the Work whatsoever , and have also given the Company full authority to negotiate the exploitation of the Work ( including the re-assignment of copyright ) on such terms as the Company may so decide and
24 Election uncertainties have delayed the upturn in the economy , but the ITEM Club believes ‘ the ingredients for recovery are in place ’ .
25 The strike — a protest against alleged falling standards because of increasing time pressures — has delayed the opening in Spain of Jurassic Park and The Last Action Hero .
26 Although his attitude towards the French seemed to change somewhat before he died , Roosevelt had effectively delayed the French in their attempt to return to Indochina .
27 Mr Genscher , who appears to have arranged the solution in talks with his East German , Czechoslovak and Polish counterparts in the United Nations , said his trip to Prague was the most moving of his career .
28 Those who initially questioned whether or not the online catalogues were in fact catalogues may have recognized the difference in essence .
29 And given the identification in the text of ‘ eye ’ with ‘ I ’ , the passage could also be read as ‘ this is not the hystery of the I ’ , in other words : ‘ this is ( not ) the ( hi ) story of a hysterical subject ’ .
30 The director of public prosecutions has given the driver in the Purley train crash limited immunity from charges .
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