Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The warehouse looked neat and tidy with all the stock now sorted and listed and as he looked around William sighed to himself .
2 I have found an excellent team of people who are highly committed and motivated and who work for N C V O as honorary officers , of staff , as members of all the various committees and working groups , task forces , er , and think tanks , and any other name that we can think up to involve you .
3 our sensibility is deepened and enlarged and thereby our capacity for responding sensitively to the world .
4 THE jump in retail sales last month of 1.6 per cent was roughly twice what the City had expected and more than made good the disappointing fall of 1 per cent in December .
5 Emotionally , you still appear to be feeling somewhat torn and indecisive and the trouble is you have an enormous yearning to give while asking for very little or even nothing in return .
6 Far from experiencing simple gratitude , such children will most likely feel terribly torn and anxious when faced with their foster parents ' offer of affection .
7 There was another story about a blind mother , whose son did not return after the battle ; she wept when he did not return , and asked the survivors if they had seen a young and lovely boy lying slain , dressed in delicately embroidered garments of fine silk , and the survivors said No , they had seen no boy , but they had seen a great bearded man dead , and he had worn tied about his waist strange garments , torn and faded and old , which had once been embroidered with flowers .
8 Her WVS overall was torn and bloodstained but she smiled reassuringly at Anne .
9 Torn and stained and ripped .
10 Easily Accessible : Local walks are varied and numerous and will take you through lochside and forest , field and riverbank , moor and mountains .
11 There are few patterns as varied and beautiful as those made by the feathers of birds .
12 So you must n't be bruised and disappointed because your impeccable piece is turned down .
13 The tragic musical story of a group of viciously exploited young men who rode the back of the drug-frenzied rock-shag monster for two full years to emerge at the end bruised and bloody and battered but changed — changed from grubby little knobsessed small-town caterpillars into beautiful , brilliantly SPIRITUAL butterflies .
14 The definition of an habitual criminal was altered in 1897 and again in 1899 , when the time limit was dropped and two or more convictions with an aggregate of imprisonment of over six months became the standard .
15 Shops owned by Copts were attacked and wrecked and there were increasing instances of individual Copts being set upon in the streets .
16 Althusser 's theory of history has been more widely attacked and denigrated than any other aspect of his work , largely because he dared to argue that , far from providing the unassailable foundation of Marxism , history was a problematic concept even in Marx 's own texts :
17 Doubts like this crystallize at one or two points , either where the presuppositions are so mixed and unsatisfactory that they are inaccurate , or where the presuppositions are true as far as they go but do not go far enough and so are incomplete .
18 Animal welfare , however , presents us with situations where ‘ our intuitions are mixed and inchoate and inconsistent ’ ( 5 ) .
19 Hailing each other , they found that they had come to the same conclusion : that so far as they could tell , in the gloom and confusion , the night was theirs , the camp completely broken up , the enemy scattered and leaderless and unlikely to rally now .
20 Opened in 1846 this section had been early superseded and closed and in the time of Mr Mester 's childhood comprised only an overgrown formation .
21 Carey was often discouraged and frustrated but stubbornly pressed on with his translation work , realising its vital importance in the foundation of any missionary venture .
22 To determine whether particular sequence features were found in peptides presented by HLA-B53 ( HLA-B5301 ) , as has been described for other class I molecules , we used the cell line Hmy-B53 ( ref. 55 ) : this was derived by transfection of the cell line CIR , which lacks HLA-A and -B molecules , with a genomic clone of HLA-B53. 1.5x10 10 Hmy-B53 or Hmy-B35 cells were pelleted and lysed and HLA class I molecules purified with the monoclonal antibody W6/32 ( ref. 56 ) on an immunoaffinity column as described .
23 We particularly urge that children should be encouraged to write fiction , poetry , plays , diaries , book reviews and so on , in response to the literature they have enjoyed and shared and discussed with their teacher and classmates .
24 They should also be encouraged to write fiction , poetry , plays , diaries , book reviews and so on , in response to the literature they have enjoyed and shared and discussed with their teacher and classmates .
25 Article 9 states : ’ Medical and religious personnel shall be respected and protected and shall be granted all available help for the performance of their duties ’ .
26 We can believe that the pub is universally respected and prized and that there is common cause and common understanding between owners , operators and users alike .
27 The biggest irony of all is that probably no single factor proved more damaging than the contribution of the man who we were told was so universally respected and popular that , if he had been Labour leader instead of Neil Kinnock , Labour 's lead in the polls would have been 49 to 33 .
28 Since that time I have come to know him and his wife and I can vouch that together they will be first class first citizens of and the office of the Lord Mayorality will continue to be respected and dignified and enhanced by their terms of office .
29 Barnsley are not known for their fancy football or flair , but they 're well drilled and organised and Oxford just could n't find a way through .
30 The prime responsibility , however , rests with the individual counsellor to establish supportive relationships in which he or she is able to feel that stress is contained and processed and that feedback from those relationships is given in an honest and constructive manner .
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