Example sentences of "[vb pp] as [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 She was deathly pale , her face almost swollen as if she had spent her life in tears .
2 I wanted Anna to be liked for Anna , and not to be treated as if she were different .
3 Furious at being treated as if she were a brainless bimbo , she raised her eyebrows , giving him back such a measured look that he actually coloured a little and moved away .
4 Charlie was dead keen on Lilian doing him credit and she always did , always looked as if she 'd just stepped out of a bandbox .
5 The little girl hesitantly offered the bowl to Marion , who for a moment looked as if she would snatch it and throw it at her .
6 Her blonde curls looked as if she had just come from a hairdresser rather than from the hand basin in her own bedroom which was where she had washed her hair this morning .
7 His mother always looked as if she had dressed up for the occasion , which indeed she had .
8 This girl looked as if she was on her first assignment , as she sat with pencil poised over her shorthand notebook .
9 The Daughter looked as if she were ready to give out with the old Technicolor Yawn .
10 The woman looked as if she was suffering from a terminal liver disease .
11 Their daughter , Carla , nearly five now , looked as if she had n't been washed for days .
12 She wore a large white straw hat and looked as if she 'd just been to church .
13 Emily , however , looked as if she had .
14 The girl looked as if she could do with a fairy godmother , or perhaps just a mother .
15 Jacqui stood up and looked as if she was about to hit him .
16 One woman looked as if she was carrying ice-skates , and maybe that meant that the lake should be frozen .
17 My mum looked as if she was in the middle of being kidnapped .
18 At one point it had looked as if she might have been forced to live at home with her parents , and much as Rachel loved them she knew that arrangement just would n't work .
19 It was no wonder she 'd looked as if she 'd aged , she thought guiltily , and no wonder she 'd looked miserable ; the poor woman did n't have too much to look happy about .
20 She 'd looked as if she 'd seen the devil himself .
21 In the scorching heat she had felt as if she would pass out ; now she wished she had .
22 In the first round of the championship , Miss Minoprio had frightened the life out of one , Miss Summerville , who later explained to the press that she had felt as if she were playing " a supernatural being " .
23 She 'd felt as if she 'd been fighting with Guy Sterne all her life !
24 Vitor seemed to have something beneath his skin which had connected with something beneath hers , and her breathing was quickening , her pulses raced , she no longer felt as if she was standing on solid ground .
25 Alexandra ate her pudding in two savage mouthfuls and gulped as if she was swallowing medicine .
26 Frau Nordern was , or sounded as if she was , utterly amazed .
27 The young woman sounded as if she was n't English .
28 She was as white as a ghost , and her eyes were shadowed as if she had n't slept properly for weeks .
29 Her bottom stung as if she 'd sat on a nest of hornets , but she wanted to show them she 'd survived .
30 At home they had behaved as if she were a toddler going to a first party in a party frock rather than a huge ungainly student eighteen years of age going to university dressed from head to toe in dark clothes .
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