Example sentences of "[vb pp] can [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 The person to whom it is addressed can not be expected to conduct a minute linguistic analysis of what is said to him where this is accompanied by aggressive gestures .
2 Since recruitment is mainly by procreation it necessarily follows that , in most cases , a substantial proportion of any such population will be related to one another as biological kin ; but just how they are related can not be known and , from a social anthropological point of view , this fact of biological kinship is of no great interest .
3 The file to be scanned can not be found in your current directory .
4 Her tact and scrupulousness are beyond praise , and the book she has made can not be recommended too urgently — even ( perhaps especially ) to those who have no special interest in , or liking for , either Charles Olson or Ezra Pound .
5 People who are mentally handicapped can not be expected to cope with many aspects of this AL independently .
6 What knowledge is needed can not be specified in advance ; people must develop it for themselves , must assess it , and must communicate it .
7 The amount of icing sugar needed can not be exact , as it depends upon the consistency of icing required for the use you have in mind .
8 Geldof 's idea and the money which was raised can not be faulted , even if it was a pathetic sight to see the fat popsters fighting for the limelight .
9 The complex issues which are raised can not be satisfactorily considered within the brief discussions presented here .
10 The one study on which this latter conclusion is based can not be generalized to demonstrate that there is a specific deterrent effect for all other corporate offences , and in any case , it should be treated very cautiously , not only because a single study can often be shown later to have missed the general condition , but also because it flies in the face of empirically grounded deterrence theory .
11 Food which is not digested can not be used to provide body fat or calories !
12 In each of these appeals it has been rightly accepted by counsel for the contemnor that the hearing below of the committal application was impeccable , that the sentence imposed for the contempts of court found proved can not be criticised and the committal order properly specified each of the contempts for which the contemnor had been sentenced .
13 Suppliers are asked to state clearly where the overall responsibility for the success of the project will lie , if any aspect of the relationship proposed can not be considered a straightforward one of OUP as purchasers of goods and services from the supplier .
14 Eggs laid by flocks in which salmonella is found can not be sold for human consumption .
15 Siegel ( 1972 ) reports that pre-exposure to a tone in rabbits leads to a loss of the OR ( evident as a decline in the likelihood of occurrence of an eye-opening response evoked by the novel tone ) but the latent inhibition that was also found can not be directly attributed to the loss of this aspect of the OR .
16 A hire-purchase agreement which is not properly executed can not be enforced by the sellers ' recapturing the item but only by a court order .
17 To what extent axon reflexes are involved can not be judged from the results of the present study .
18 Depreciation and amortisation is only one of many factors reflected in the annual valuation , and the amount which might otherwise have been charged can not be separately identified or quantified . ’
19 But other research studies may necessitate some collecting of original data by means of observation , simply because the answers to the questions being asked can not be got except by the researcher going out and finding out .
20 Time wasted can not be recovered , so it is crucial that we have a system designed and ready to implement the moment that any colliery closes .
21 It is to my mind illegitimate to argue — this is a sale , the consideration for a sale is the price , price can only include money or something which can be readily converted into an ascertainable sum of money , therefore anything like wrappers which have no money value when delivered can not be part of the consideration .
22 What more has happened can not be of your doing .
23 That subletting was widely practised can not be doubted , for not only in the cases examined was the number of proven freeholds relatively small , but , even in regions where they were most numerous they still formed a minority of all holdings .
24 The reduced adhesion of DMJ treated HT-29 cells towards the extracellular matrix components tsted can not be simply explained by a diminished expression of integrin receptors , because the effect of DNJ on the expression of integrins was similar or greater than that of DMJ , but inhibition of cell adhesion was less efficient or absent .
25 However , the concerns that have been expressed can not be underestimated .
26 This derives from the long established principle that the risk to which a guarantor is exposed can not be altered in any material way without his prior consent .
27 Any representatives received can not be treated as confidential in view of the provisions of the Local Government ( Access to Information ) Act 1985 , which makes available such documents for public inspection .
28 Otherwise the content of the attributes not completed can not be known .
29 Postwar economic growth , especially in the past decade of celebration of free enterprise and markets , has generated a more or less universal acquisitiveness , and it is far from evident that in circumstances in which the desires which have been aroused can not be gratified , or their pursuit breeds disillusionment , socialism , historically grounded in the labour movement , does or can now provide a new direction .
30 " Freedom once given can not be taken away .
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