Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pn reflx] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've often speculated since on what would have happened if we 'd just given ourselves up at this point .
2 What have we let ourselves in for !
3 Peach alone was in the house , having let himself in through the cat flap Stephen had fixed into the lower panel of the back door .
4 As Desmond Haynes and Philip Simmons added 99 at better than a run a minute with a volley of boundaries , he must have wondered what he had let himself in for .
5 He knew what he had let himself in for and he was glad .
6 Hutton took a drop in salary to join Durham , and he wondered what he had let himself in for when , after a battering from Franklyn Stephenson , he had to leave the field to be sick .
7 Why should I wish the lad any worse harm than he 's let himself in for already ? ’
8 Thistle 's early season promise has evaporated , and debutant Julian Broddle must be wondering what he 's let himself in for .
9 For Mailer , Lawrence 's greatness lies in part in his heroic struggle against his destiny , which was to be homosexual : ‘ he had become a man by an act of will , he was bone and blood of the classic family stuff out of which homosexuals are made , he had lifted himself out of his natural destiny which was probably to have the sexual life of a woman ’ ( p. 154 ) .
10 Brian Elphick had been on Lambeth 's housing list for twelve years , having insinuated himself on to it when engaged to a woman he never married .
11 He had squeezed himself back into the side-car with his long legs stretched flat along the floor of the rectangular alloy box .
12 His visual impressions have been fading without his knowing it , and with their reactivation stale information has suddenly sorted itself out into a new and firm pattern .
13 but erm it had sorted itself out after , well more or less after a week or two a lot of the evacuees of course did n't stay very long , they went back home because erm I know mother had a , a little boy from erm Guildford when we lived at Debenham and er he went back after a while , the mother used to come down and visit him from time to time , they were very , came from very poor circumstances and the
14 Having booked herself in at a hotel where she was well known , she returned to the hospital and sat with her daughter throughout most of the evening .
15 She had curled herself up in a corner of the motorspeeder to get some rest , but there was too much adrenalin swimming aimlessly about her system and her eyes kept opening themselves .
16 LIKELY — Chris Wheatley , Mark , Kevin , Chris , Richard and Keith wonder what they have let themselves in for and , below , they get to grips with crossing a very cold lake .
17 In that time , its geography had changed little , the only difference being that more and more houses had squeezed themselves on to the mound of detritus that had built up over generations to form the hill on which the city squatted , above the highest level of flood the river could attain .
18 Oh God , what have I let myself in for , I said to myself that night .
19 On walking back home from the church , I found myself thinking very deeply about what I had let myself in for , but foremost what my wife would say , I seem to recall something like ‘ I suppose that 's my lace bobbins even further down the work sheet . ’
20 Cos I 've let myself in for a day of temping .
21 I was ashamed of what I had let myself in for with Jean-Claude .
22 What have I let myself in for here ?
23 What have I let myself in for ?
24 I 've ever done , he said and I 'll be totally honest with you he said if I 'd have known how big it was I would n't have done the operation he said I really did n't know what I 've let myself in for , he said he 's had problems with
25 So when I 'd picked myself up from the floor , my arm bruised from shoulder to wrist , I thought ‘ I 'll show the buggers . ’
26 It 's a hell-raiser with 24-carat cuff-links and rounded vowels , it 's a freshly squeezed orange juice with a large shot of vodka — and like a Mickey Finn , the beauty of the Bentley is that you do n't know quite what you 've let yourself in for .
27 They get to the stage where they 've clogged themselves up with the the by-products , so part of making a battery is trying to design it so it does n't clog itself up .
28 I offer my congratulations to the workers and management of Yarrow , who have picked themselves up after the bitter disappointment of losing the last order , despite having built the first of class and many of the subsequent ships .
29 Cambridge have picked themselves up in recent weeks .
30 picked themselves up from their midweek defeat to beat 1–0 , thanks to a first half goal from Dave Laws .
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