Example sentences of "[vb pp] [that] they would " in BNC.

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1 It was not known whether they would be the most advanced protagonists of environmental scanning , but for various reasons it was expected that they would have views about scanning and about the extent to which they wished to undertake formal environmental analysis .
2 Charles 's appointments were of better men , but he used Laud , Williams , Juxon and others as his highest secular officials ; in that capacity it could hardly be expected that they would not be the subject of the same Parliamentary criticism as were laymen .
3 Germans were resentful of France 's post-war attempts to keep them under close control , and it could not automatically be expected that they would agree to join European institutions .
4 He had not expected that they would be worshipped like gods , but on a world where technological ability excited only minimal interest , all of them were at a considerable disadvantage until they were able to prove themselves against local standards of performance .
5 ‘ Whoever put the clothes there might reasonably have expected that they would be found within a few days ? ’
6 As some staff had been in the Dean Centre for much of their working lives , it was only to be expected that they would leave Belford Road behind with some regret .
7 It was expected that they would interview him later today .
8 It was claimed that they would result in significant increases in consumer prices for cars , patrol and electricity .
9 No one thought the speaker should have added that they would not hew wood for Lord Salisbury ; the divisions within the Council which would become so painfully evident over the Boer War were between Gladstonian Liberals and Liberal Imperialists , with the odd Liberal Unionist added for decoration , not between Liberals and Conservatives .
10 The services were cut so drastically that at the time no one in their right mind would have forecast that they would become so bad .
11 Most countries had objected that they would be forced to rely on each other 's trade statistics , that exporters would face more rather than less paperwork at national borders , and that the potential for fraud would increase .
12 It was arranged that they would take the horses down to the railway sidings where there was enough light from the warehouses to school in the evenings , and Biddy would come twice during the week and once at the weekend , for two hours each time .
13 Sure enough , Joseph Chamberlain and others proceeded to do just that ; and sure enough , it was the Canadians who patiently but persistently explained that they would have none of it .
14 Her husband was due to retire then and they had decided that they would both give up work at the same time .
15 Moran had decided that they would go to the church in their uncle 's big old car .
16 He and Warnie , for example , had decided that they would erect a memorial window to their parents in St Mark 's , but it was a decision they quickly came to regret when the Lewis , Hamilton and Ewart cousins all weighed in with suggestions of what should go into the window .
17 Having decided that they would accept Mr Cowdrill as a franchisee , Athena took responsibility for finding him a suitable site , in a prime position in Sutton Coldfield .
18 They had decided that they would save a lot of money doing their own purchasing and importing , and Christina wanted to make her own contribution to all the work on the hotel .
19 The Mersey Region , where I work , have decided that they would n't accept that .
20 When her father formed the view that the car he and her mother had bought her for her eighteenth birthday was more roadworthy than Cara 's outwardly smart but inwardly not so clever vehicle , it was decided that they would use her regularly serviced Volkswagen Polo for the trip .
21 er Apollo Leisure had decided that they would like to have arts and science under the same roof , er the arts has been something that 's considered an acceptable cultural pastime , and people will go out at weekends , take the family and will do something that , they would look at an exhibition , er or they would go to the theatre , whereas in science , there is n't really anything that you can do as a social or cultural pastime .
22 Similar proposals put forward at the end of World War I , to provide financial support via NHI to women after childbirth , were rejected largely because it was felt that they would offer an inducement to married women to work .
23 ‘ And you 'd really accepted that they would marry ? ’
24 Its partners had probably accepted that they would have to acquiesce to some kind of compromise within the package deal .
25 If this was the source of the visitors ' continuing jurisdiction in disciplinary appeals , then it was accepted that they would be amenable to judicial review , their situation being in certain respects comparable to that of a visitor to a university or college who holds that position by virtue of his office , cp the Queen as visitor of the University of Hull : see the Page case [ 1991 ] 1 W.L.R. 1277 , 1279 .
26 Then they clapped me on the back with too many hands , thrust upon me the plastiform wafer that confirmed payment of the rest of my fee , and proclaimed that they would create a song for the festival in praise of ’ the , most safe and reliable Delmore Curb , master courier ’ .
27 Jack had gone to India soon afterwards , and although Susan wore no ring they were definitely engaged , and everyone took it for granted that they would marry as soon as circumstances would permit .
28 Despite the darkness and unannounced approach , the raiding party found the Armstrong chiefs , Mangerton , Gilnockie , Whithaugh and the rest , awaiting their arrival at Langholm , their ‘ capital ’ , with some hundreds of their very tough riders assembled , a significant indication of their excellent information system in this wild Border country ; and when they heard of the descent on Dacre 's castle of Gilsland , they appeared to take it for granted that they would go along .
29 Until the 1640s the colonies had taken it for granted that they would trade only with England , partly because Charles 's government gave orders that they should , partly because the hostile Spanish colonies offered them no real alternative .
30 The trading employees in India were not paid salaries in the modern sense of income they could live on ; they got small retainers , starting at perhaps £5 a year , and it was taken for granted that they would supplement their retainers by trading , sometimes acting as agents buying the goods that would eventually be exported by the Company ( though this could easily lead to fraud ) , but more often dealing for their own account .
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