Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Tranmere 's form has picked up of late … they could pose a real threat tomorrow …
2 Chair , I I think what needs to be said in this debate is something positive about the work that has come out of particularly Highfields , er and indeed to some extent Moat , in the past .
3 , I hope you 're not , well several interesting things have come out of there , it just shows the sort of thing about working under pressure , and the limited amount of time , erm , the limited amount of planning time for the managers certainly .
4 The love nest he had conjured out of so little would make up for all her pain .
5 The Soviets materialised out of nowhere and their sensational win against New Zealand , as well as the electric final , where Argentina took on New Zealand , gave student rugby credibility and kudos .
6 Taken aback , she could only stare in wide-eyed silence at the man who had materialised out of nowhere at her side .
7 I demand to be let out of here ! ’ she cried in a shrill voice .
8 None of the players in this team has been ‘ picked out of nowhere ’ : they have all come through the system .
9 That is to say the curved members , such as ribs , were built up of naturally curving wood , chosen to have the right shape .
10 What is the human made up of please Anthony ?
11 Porosity is found mainly in oolitic grainstones and is made up of both primary intergranular and leached intragranular voids ( Fig. 16a ) .
12 So the cost of a bottle of whisky that you buy on the plane home from holiday , is made up of both the manufacturer 's price and the airline 's profit .
13 It is generally accepted that each person , man and woman , is made up of both masculine and feminine qualities , and it appears that in some lifetimes the masculine will have been predominant while in others it will have been the feminine .
14 The co-operative , made up of both former patients and ordinary workers , continued to hold the contract for cleaning all mental health centres and former hospital buildings after the closure of the hospital .
15 Each monthly instalment of your Personal Loan is made up of both capital and interest .
16 Each monthly instalment of your Car Loan is made up of both capital and interest .
17 This view quite clearly rejects a left perspective : the idea that society is made up of just two classes ; that economic class is the only major , or " real " , line of cleavage ; and that conflict is deep , bitter and unrelenting .
18 The approaches to market segmentation referred to above apply more naturally to consumer markets than to industrial markets , where an entire market may be made up of just a few customers .
19 A large proportion of a corpus is made up of only a few words ( about 25% of a corpus is made up of just 15 different words ) .
20 But how many student melodies are made up of even crotchets , with correspondingly dull results ?
21 Marx 's theory is an attempt to accept both types of accounts of the Orient and to explain the apparent unity of states often made up of previously independent units which nevertheless co-operated in great communal works such as road building ( among the Inca ) and large-scale irrigation ( in Asia ) .
22 Hard coral colonies of species such as Goniopora and Favites are made up of individually small polyps and it would be possible to divide a colony into several separate pieces .
23 When the various treaties came up for review ( the Zollverein was made up of over 200 agreements ) , Prussia would often threaten to withdraw if the terms did not suit her .
24 The picturesque town of Alberobello offers a stunning day out because it is made up of over 1000 whitewashed ‘ trulli ’ houses , quaintly set in hilly , winding streets which are still regularly crossed by pony traps and carts .
25 These are negative particles and the nucleus is made up of positively charged and neutral particles and the combination is kept together by electrostatic forces .
26 Westergaard and Resler believe that the ruling class is made up of perhaps 5% and at most 10% of the population .
27 If , as is now widely believed , all particles are made up of perhaps six different varieties of quarks , the final explosion would have an energy equivalent to about ten million one-megaton hydrogen bombs .
28 The eugenists also argued , on the assumption that the working classes were made up of less intelligent and less healthy stock , that if their birth rate remained higher than that of the middle and professional classes then the physical and intellectual standards of the British population must decline .
29 The first of those facts is that animals and humans are made up of almost identical bits and pieces .
30 Local authority money is made up of around 48 per cent in grants from the government , 35 per cent from rates and 6 per cent from rents , the remainder being from interest , dividends and borrowing .
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