Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The need for finality of adjudication by the court whose decision is relied on to found a plea of autrefois convict is even more clearly apparent where a defendant has pleaded guilty .
2 He told police his attacker had broken in by levering beading from a window of his farmhouse .
3 If observation is broken down into seeing and hearing this would mean that the observer watched or listened to ( or both , of course ) a social scene which was completely natural and unaffected by his presence .
4 The techniques of urban renewal remained to be filled in with regard to housing design and layout .
5 Thus the propositional schema " x is a man " can be appropriately filled in by inserting a proper name , say " Jones " , in the place occupied by the variable , yielding a meaningful proposition whose truth-value happens to be true .
6 The Hobnails regulars have joined in by wearing period dress .
7 The boys not scribing joined in by offering ideas and producing elaborate pictures , inventing new details to enliven the narrative as they developed their pictures .
8 The Official Solicitor answered the call of the court within minutes and , although this application only came to the notice of the court officials at 1.30 p.m. it has come on for hearing just before 2 p.m. and now at 2.18 p.m .
9 The only exceptions to the sequential rule are inserts , which can be added in without affecting any of the other material provided that they are of the same length as the material which they are replacing .
10 Doing things communicating with people verbally can mean a lot more now sometimes with a lot of bureaucracy you can get sucked in to putting everything down on paper but it does n't mean as much as it does when it 's face to face communication .
11 ‘ A hundred years ago they were carried in after coming off their horses , or being knocked clown by carriages .
12 Too much heat during ironing will damage fibres and they should never be damped down during ironing otherwise the fabric will be permanently spoilt with a watermark .
13 When connected via the phono jacks , the signal level of these can be mixed in for playing along to some backing .
14 As soon as one patch of vegetables is cleared , the soil is revitalised with compost and a handful of organic fertiliser and lightly pricked over before replanting .
15 She had rung off without asking Greg what his business was .
16 Larger areas of track can be lifted off by applying Sellotape , pressing down firmly onto the offending artwork , and then lifting off sharply .
17 Once the colour has solidified in the palette you can treat it as normal ‘ pan ’ watercolour : the colour can be lifted off by applying a wet brush .
18 Some of the problems associated with old age can be warded off by eating enough of the right foods .
19 Do not allow yourself to be fobbed off without getting the information you need .
20 He was probably mixed up in disposing of the pictures stolen in that big robbery from the Duke of Suffolk 's place , and there 've been other things .
21 It has been rightly pointed out that a quick ball from such a scrum does not necessarily lead to a running game and that the centre of the field , already bustling with activity due to the increased fitness and range of the modern player , would be clogged up with roaming loose forwards relieved of scrummage duties .
22 Er and since then we have come up with finding other ways to massage the figures downwards .
23 It was so cold that anything you said had frozen up before leaving your mouth .
24 It was Sarah , who , on her knees in the mould of the wood , had looked up on hearing Donald 's cries and seen the runaway pram careering down the bank .
25 The only thing that I do n't like is the silly little protection book that contains pictorial passwords which must be looked up after loading the game .
26 The move is unprecedented : a substantial number of security force members have in the past been charged and convicted of terrorist-type offences , but never before has such a number been picked up for questioning at one time .
27 On one of them she was picked up for questioning by the Germans .
28 It was one of a number he had picked up since leaving the charred ruins of Ankh-Morpork .
29 The man who succeeded him as Secretary General of the Young Communists , Carlos Contreras Maluje , was picked up after putting up a struggle in the street .
30 Now I , they could , erm one thing that I found b b b b picked up from doing my own reading and studying was that it 's always good to go through with the customer step by step which is to a certain extent what we do do
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