Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Strange as the taste of defeat was , however , Kylie shrugged off the episode and instead carried on looking to the future .
2 The premises in which the business is to be carried on have to be found :
3 Applying the multiplier of eighteen to that figure , one arrives at a figure of fifty eight thousand one hundred and sixty two pounds and fifty pence which when the additional costs are added in comes to the total of fifty nine thousand and forty three pence , I 'm sorry , fifty nine thousand forty three pounds and seventy five pence which is the figure I would award under this heading .
4 How much of the Zoom can be carried over remains to be seen .
5 He 's being picked up to go to St. Joseph 's , I bet .
6 Well , kind of you to have come out to talk to me . ’
7 We only feel emotionally comfortable when everything can be tidily sorted out according to categories .
8 A field investigation is being carried out to assess to what extent trace components can be relied upon to identify the source of landfill gas .
9 The differentiation within the examination is to be carried out according to strict criteria , laying down in detail what the candidate is expected to know , understand , and be able to do .
10 Suicide is carried out according to a culturally standardized formula : after two weeks of sulking , one finally withdraws into the deep forest away from all human habitation , and hangs oneself from a tree .
11 The Stone of Destiny was in alien hands , but in other respects the coronation ceremony on 25 March 1306 was carried out according to tradition .
12 The ultimate criterion for the presence of pollution in law , in contrast with other more familiar forms of offence , is a test carried out according to the supposedly ‘ objective ’ precepts of natural scientific ( predominantly chemical ) analysis .
13 Routine river sampling is carried out according to a schedule arranged by the laboratory , standardized as to place and , as far as possible , time .
14 The starting point was the issue of the opportunities offered to socialists by the current form of capitalist property in Britain , and my conclusion is that the socialised deployment of the personal sector financial surplus would permit a greatly accelerated rate of productive investment , yielding dividends in terms of socially useful output and employment , provided that the deployment of funds be carried out according to fairly well-defined criteria of rationality rather than merely in response to ad hoc political pressure .
15 PCR amplification was carried out according to Perkin Elmer Cetus instructions in a final volume of 50 µl with 50 pmoles of 5' and 3' primers , 200 mM dNTPS , 0.5U of Taq polymerase ( Cetus Corp. ) in PCR buffer ( 2.5 mM MgCl 2 , 50 mM KCl , 10 mM Tris-HCl [ pH 8.3 ] , 0.001% gelatin ) .
16 Transfection of plasmid DNA was carried out according to the method of Gorman ( 19 ) .
17 The sandwich ELISA for urokinase type plasminogen activator was carried out according to Binnema et al .
18 The Pyloriset Latex ( Orion Diagnostica , Finland ) and the Helico-G ( Porton Cambridge , Maidenhead , UK ) tests were carried out according to the manufacturers 's instructions and ad recently described .
19 Both tests were also carried out according to the manufacturers ' instructions .
20 The washing of the northern blots was carried out according to standard methods .
21 , The congress called for the introduction of a solidarity tax on industry and a supplement on the higher levels of income tax to finance the reconstruction of former East Germany , which it said should be carried out according to " ecological principles " .
22 It 's now been replaced with this memo , saying the first was poorly worded and stressing that MRI scans at the Nuffield will be carried out according to on a purely medcial decisionmedical need .
23 Double stranded plasmid sequencing reactions were carried out according to the Sequenase Version 2.0 kit ( USB ) .
24 The way in which Germanisation was carried out gave to the newly released serfs , the put-upon peasantry , the tiny Polish middle class which felt itself to be discriminated against , and the ambitious and inflexible Polish nobility a rallying point — probably their only rallying point .
25 Whether the central role of the party and concentration of power at the top of the political hierarchy would be changed as reforms were carried out remained to be seen .
26 Fun Ski and the travel company Made to Measure Holidays Ltd are in partnership , therefore all enquiries and booking can be made through Made to Measure , telephone 0243 533333 .
27 Omar is part of a multiracial London club network of singers , rappers and musicians who have grown up listening to modern ‘ cutting edge ’ music and their parents ' record collections .
28 In fact ‘ alpha ’ teams ( composed of high achievers ) may perform less successfully than those made up according to Belbin 's criteria for effective task achievement .
29 Zborowski said nothing but went into his room and changed into worn summer clothes and came out carrying his only winter suit parcelled up to take to the pawnbroker .
30 However , negotiations were broken off owing to the vehement opposition of anti-abortion Republicans , supported by Sununu .
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