Example sentences of "[vb pp] [was/were] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The standard of the candidates interviewed were all of a very high quality and the final choice was extremely difficult .
2 Oddly enough , the people in the Labour Party whom George Wigg most disliked were those with whom he had the closest associations .
3 He established that the body which was badly decomposed was that of a male aged between 16 and 25 .
4 The next flag to be attacked was that of another friend of Iraq , though this time the attack came from Iraq itself : Turkey 's Buyuk Hun was taken near Kharg .
5 Paradoxically , this provided for the possibility of voluntary unemployment , an anathema to the capitalist class , and so the conditions under which men 's claims to maintenance from the state were met were such as to weaken male work incentives as little as possible , and ideally to discourage men from making a claim at all , except in the direst circumstances .
6 It was close enough to use the under-arm style , and the pebbles I 'd selected were all of roughly the same size , so my fire was very accurate : four shots within splashing distance and a fifth which smashed the neck off the bottle .
7 Just as in the 1914 war , the first effect to be felt was that of large numbers of operating and engineering staff joining the forces and London Transport had its own Territorial Unit who went to camp in August 1939 and were sent straight overseas without returning to work .
8 Among the ministries to be abolished were those of trade and industry , corresponding to the transition from a command-administrative system , in which these ministries had directed supplies and production , to a market-led economy .
9 A female successor , Fay Ray , made a striking debut at Pace/MacGill Gallery in New York City in December 1987 Among the most impressive portraits shown were those in which Fay posed with Wegman 's studio assistant , Andrea L. Beeman , or with the artist Ed Ruscha .
10 What was needed was more of the same — intensified police action backed by the ever-watchful vigilance of the purity movement .
11 The only address shown was that of the college .
12 The most influential model of such instruction to be produced was that of John Pecham , Archbishop of Canterbury ( 1279 – 92 ) .
13 Another case in which good relationships would have helped was that of an attention seeking woman who had spent most of her life in hostels and was constantly getting struck off general practitioners ' lists .
14 New taxes were soon devised , but the sectors most usually affected were those with little political influence — the wage-earner and small businesses .
15 The only group for which the estimated SMR was raised was that of patients aged under 20 years at diagnosis in which only one death occurred ( SMR=191 , 95% CI 5 to 1060 , χ 2 2 1 = 0.44 NS ) ( Table I ) .
16 An elementary problem which the Commissioner encountered was that of publicity .
17 She knew the part for which she was cast was that of the self-sacrificing heroine , encouraging the man she loved in his spiritual aspirations ; but she withheld the words of sympathy and understanding .
18 Given the existing climate of optimism in Britain in the mid-1960s the challenges foreseen were those of growth .
19 Amongst the comments received were those from , a Further Education Officer with Tayside Region .
20 The last buildings to be completed were those of the Banca Commerciale which were only finished in the first quarter of the twentieth-century .
21 The Court of Appeal detected " underlying transactions of a solicitorial nature " and determined that on the expert evidence ( inter alia from a former President of the Law Society ) which had been presented the undertakings given were such as might come within the usual course of a solicitor 's business .
22 There was much hue and cry among the typesetting and printing community about the quality of this new-fangled technology but the one element that was retained was that of the compositor 's skill .
23 The specific practice of lawyers which was identified was that of translating .
24 Among the most common directives inadequately implemented were those on freedom of access to environmental information , wild bird protection and environmental impact assessment ( with the UK registering numerous complaints on this issue ) .
25 One of the first environmental hazards to be studied was that of desertification .
26 The summons on which he made the order was merely a summons which asked for directions and the form in which his order was couched was that of an order nisi which , subject to the time limits laid down in the order , gave an unqualified liberty to apply .
27 The subject also expanded greatly in scope from that of the study of leys , and one theme which began to be explored was that of folklore .
28 The basis on which the vote was given was that of property .
29 The social engineering which placed them in positions of powerlessness ensured that the only female voice readily heard was that of the shrill tones of the satirised scold — a literary stereotype .
30 The two studies quoted giving positive results together with another positive major study not quoted were all of cognitive-behavioural therapy , in which a collaborative directive approach is encouraged .
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