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1 The few reservations I have expressed about the encyclopedia are not intended to detract from its excellence .
2 All this was strategy he had developed to detract from their discrepancy in height .
3 ‘ I can be free only to the extent that others are forbidden to profit from their physical , economic , or other superiority to the detriment of my liberty . ’
4 The question which should be posed is not whether offenders should be permitted to profit from their crimes but whether crime should be profited from by any person .
5 Abroad they were feted , courted like film stars but always in the security of a group ; then when they went back home they were expected to slip from their previous lifestyles into houses that sometimes had no hot water or inside w.c .
6 His daughter Anna might well have expected to benefit from his death .
7 Many of the heads had voluntarily opted to trial a scheme of financial devolution because they had expected to benefit from it .
8 As my hon. Friend rightly said , Parkinson 's disease is a distressing condition , and it will be a cause of sadness to all hon. Members that Mr. Thorpe has come to suffer from it .
9 He should forget the tension , try to stay out of trouble and nick the odd goal or two without creating the screaming fuss we have come to expect from him .
10 My hon. Friend the Member for Battersea ( Mr. Bowis ) made the sort of eloquent and well-informed speech that we have come to expect from him every time .
11 By staying away from Crathie Church , Diana is showing the same decency , dignity and consideration that the nation has come to expect from her .
12 News which surely she might have expected to hear from him ?
13 In fact , for the first year or two she 'd expected to hear from him , asking for a divorce so that he could marry Marissa , who had , apparently , followed him to Sydney .
14 There will be lectures and seminars , to which teachers will be expected to contribute from their own experience , and in which taped and transcribed texts from their classrooms , and written work produced by their pupils will be discussed and analysed .
15 The contract includes agreement not only about what new skills and knowledge need to be learned but also about why they are needed , how they will be applied and what is expected to result from them within the school or office .
16 However a microprocessor. 1 control system can be " taught " to initiate deceleration at the appropriate t , if it is programmed to learn from its previous attempts at producing an optimal trajectory .
17 Taken on around Whitsuntide , such men were provided with a cottage for the period of the hire , and in return were expected to supply from their own meagre resources a ‘ bondager ’ — a woman who would perform field-work or any other menial farm duty required of her .
18 His letters spoke of torture , of being forced to sit alone all day , forbidden to move from his chair .
19 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( i ) in that he in London between 31 July 1985 and 28 February 1990 audited the accounts of a limited company , a company in which his wife was a shareholder and at various times an office holder , resulting in him not being free of any interest which might detract or be seen to detract from his professional independence and integrity was reprimanded and ordered to pay £600 by way of costs .
20 A brown , strong-smelling fluid , thick with honey , was poured into a bowl and Hugh was made to drink from it .
21 Dear Charles , I have decided to resign from my post at the School for Italian Studies .
22 His fatness seems to have been largely the result of good living rather than ill-health ; he had decided to separate from his wife , yet he was obviously in need of looking after .
23 The failure of the CPT , Apto 's successor , which had the endorsement of the activist wing of the Roman Catholic Church and of the leading CNT and CUT labour confederations , to emulate the May success was attributed to its failure effectively to mobilize its supporters , which in turn was felt to stem from its mistaken belief that the Colorados were a spent political force .
24 And if King Richard is now dead , then it was by Lancaster 's order he died , and whatever title Lancaster might otherwise have possessed to inherit from him is forfeit .
25 But it also has important consequences for the epistemological status of the resulting social theory , and much of the novelty of Marxism is said to arise from its break with traditional conceptions of knowledge .
26 That Bukharin argued for balanced and proportional growth can be seen to arise from his earlier work on equilibrium theory and in his formulating an algebraic approach to the problems of analysis posed by Marx 's reproduction schemas .
27 A Darlington couple paid over £2,000 to Mr Round last October for a kitchen that was never delivered ; Alan Dodsworth has since had to borrow from his father to get the job done by another contractor .
28 So they 've learnt that they ca n't implement land reform unless they 've got the support of the popular masses and it 's got to come from them cos ultimately they , they 're pursuing land reform in order to get the peasant support and if that 's not what they want there 's no point in just erm imposing it on them .
29 Er has been to see me about it , but I 've said that the initiative for farm watch has got to come from them , I said , we 're not gon na stand up and draw up a load of support and expect us to service the damn thing , I said it 's up to you and your members to do it , and I still think he 's trying to get us to do it via the back door , He 's been to talk to me now about it , and I 've told him exactly what I want to do and that we we 'll be involved , but it ai n't gon na be a police run scheme , it 's gon na be a farmer 's run scheme with police support locally .
30 So , I mean these are the supporters that they , they 've got to sort of focus on erm even i he does say that some of the erm er leaders of the associations are n't actually up to scratch but he says eighty five percent of them are and it would be wrong to attack or to arrest , you know , the other fifteen percent and it 's got to come from their own discipline of the association , you let the movement grow together , do n't try and er become er , you know , resisting forces because er these are the people who we 've got to erm s stay with and to look after , to harness erm to work for and er so that 's basically , is his conclusion .
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