Example sentences of "[vb pp] [det] time for " in BNC.

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1 If specific information about pupils ' ability , eligibility for free school meals , any disabilities etc. is required , then a painstaking search is undertaken each time for the particular piece of information required .
2 For the last year , I have had little time for writing , though I get something down on paper when I can .
3 She had always suspected that he 'd had little time for any brain power that she might possess — just as she had always known that her chief value for him had been the almost instantaneous sexual desire they had felt for each other .
4 He had bought some time for himself by refusing to answer any questions till he had heard the tape .
5 ‘ No , he 's not got much time for anything but work .
6 I have n't got much time for Egon Ronay .
7 no we ai n't got much time for pinting have you ?
8 I had n't got much time for him and he knew it !
9 No I should n't think the Chinese have got much time for that sort of approach to life .
10 She said if he ca n't come out to the children And he has good as told her that he had n't got much time for children , visiting children .
11 Scotland has never had much time for earthquakes : the national football team already has a monopoly on disasters .
12 You have n't had much time for domestic life of late , have you ?
13 I have never had much time for the more esoteric confections you find all over the place .
14 What with one thing and another she had n't had much time for sleep last night .
15 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
16 ‘ I guess I have n't had much time for … fun . ’
17 I 've got more time for him than either our lot or the Americans , ’ he added bitterly .
18 let me ask you one final question and its a cheeky one and er , I want to know whether you drink and drive , I 'm not going to , we have n't got any time for debate , I 'm just interested to know would you say that you drink and drive ? , this is not policy any more , button one for yes , button two for no , your told it as a simply for a , a kind of statistical er oh , er some of you are being rather coy and not voting
19 But nevertheless , you are charging patients , often people who are in a great hurry bringing their own patients in , who really probably have n't got any time for that sort of thing .
20 Outside Colombo the force was theoretically under the control of government agents who had many other duties and usually spared little time for the police .
21 He had found little time for romance since his marriage ended .
22 War allowed little time for reform ; the regenerating Constitution of Bayonne was never applied to Spain ; ambitious schemes for a new system of education , for a modern code based on the Code Napoléon came to nothing .
23 To produce so many papers jointly , plus scores more separately , during 1985 through 1988 can have left little time for intensive work on the test-tube fusion project . ’
24 Politics has also meant little time for hobbies like reading , music , badminton and cricket .
25 Whereas years ago , it would have taken some time for that come by by which time it was no longer news , and people shrugged their shoulders and say well ,
26 He was acquitted , but virtually denied any time for family or politics during those five years .
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