Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] do [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The police and the Government can be proud of the police national computer because it fights crime , but it is important that they offer assurance to the general public that it can not be misused and does result in people being dealt with differently .
2 Steffi Graf , for instance , signs more autographs than any player I have seen and does care for them .
3 There was no intention to be insulting — quite the reverse — but it might readily be inferred that the defendant must have realised and did realise that his homosexual overtures might not be welcomed by the person at whom he was directing them .
4 Demanding oral triple therapy eradicates H pylori in up to 96% of patients treated but does have considerable side effects .
5 Yes , derelict land has played and does play its part in the conservation of rare plants and animals in Britain .
6 As to 2 , they held in effect that the occupier from whose land these things escaped and did damage is liable not only for the default of his servant , but also for that of an independent contractor and ( as later decisions show ) for that of anyone except a stranger .
7 We were aware that women have exercised and do exercise certain kinds of power given particular social arrangements ; we were aware too of the need for new ways of thinking about power which would allow us to answer questions about women 's authority , power , influence and status in different times and places .
8 Men did the cutting , women machined and did intermediate pressing , men did the tailoring and pressed the completed garment .
9 Nitrates are underestimated and do have an important and increasing role in the management of acute infarction .
10 Irrespective of personal belief or disbelief , an unaccountable number of people have believed and do believe in the spiritual aspects of human life , and therefore their actions , attitudes and interpretations of events have been influenced accordingly .
11 At the in which he is involved and does have a part in shaping : these processes will appear to him not as broad generalities , but as a collection of micro-processes , the technicalities and particularities of daily life .
12 The aircraft at the club I fly ( train ) from are well maintained and do have silencers — albeit they do point downwards .
13 He believes rescue missions should be carefully planned but do serve a purpose .
14 The first requires proof of negligence , the second does not require that fault be established but does require that the injured party prove that damage was caused by someone 's action .
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