Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This was a direct challenge to Urban , who had not been consulted or even properly informed .
2 The meeting with Picasso , which probably took place around the time this picture was being painted or soon after , must have encouraged him in turning his back completely on Fauvism .
3 As regards board structure , the Proposal suggests that , for all public companies ( PLCs ) , whether or not their shares are listed or otherwise publicly traded , a distinction should be drawn between directors responsible for ‘ supervision ’ on the one hand and ‘ management ’ on the other .
4 Ignoring for the moment the force of the word ‘ really ’ in this argument , we can still feel confident that even if we give up talking of knowledge , granting that a necessary condition for knowing is unfulfilled , we can happily continue to talk about justified belief , distinguishing some beliefs as justified or as more justified than others and others as less justified or even completely unjustified .
5 Products tend to be misplaced or even completely lost or they get in the way but somehow they never happen to be available when wanted .
6 Anywhere that was obviously occupied he drove on past , as he did with any place that was exposed or too close to the main road , but deserted-looking buildings on village outskirts and elevated rows that were set back from the road generally rated at least a circling-around and a second look .
7 Conversely , it has also been shown that in the absence of another meal , the previous one may be kept in the stomach for more than twice as long as usual ( Chitty , 1938 ) , presumably with a gradual increase in stomach acidity , and the bones in this instance are likely to be strongly modified or even totally destroyed .
8 The relatively fine grained unimodal sand deposits from many parts of the world yielded similar characteristics : beach sands were well sorted and negatively skewed , whereas river sands were less well sorted and usually positively skewed .
9 It was in fact , ‘ by no means a bare collection of what was scattered in the former … but a performance so well designed and so well executed , … very acceptable to all who make gardening either their profession or diversion. ,
10 ‘ Among us the sin of schism is too often committed and too quickly condoned . ’
11 She hopped down to the floor , but it seemed further away than she had expected and now suddenly it was rising up crazily to meet her .
12 The workmen 's dialogue , which he co-authored , though filled with pieces of carefully observed slang , is none the less stilted and sometimes too obviously theatrical .
13 Most women grow up absolutely torn and still somehow knowing that they have to make some kind of choice .
14 James Moir , head of BBC TV light entertainment , said : ‘ His unique gruff humour , his exceptional ability to use the English language to produce brilliant comic effect has rarely been equalled and surely now will never be surpassed .
15 I was still on the shores of the same great sea and yet had been transported into quite another world , a place on the edge of a China which seemed to have nothing in common with those islanders so forgotten and so far away .
16 gear with my forehead with such force that my goggles , which I was wearing luckily , were shattered and my face badly bruised and bleeding profusely .
17 ‘ Certain players were dropped and never adequately replaced .
18 School trips and real experience supplemented and sometimes even replaced traditional book learning .
19 This chapter is concerned with the ways in which the results of these techniques are reported and more particularly with the legal and professional attempts made to standardize them .
20 Research that where they 're looking at how to convey the message from advancing and sales and people getting erm interviews getting into jobs what they say what they how they stand even how they 've looked and so on .
21 The ‘ two prongs of nationalism ’ , he suggests , ‘ tend to be a proletariat and an intelligentsia ’ : the former is first uprooted and then gradually incorporated in a new national community ; the latter provides new cultural definitions of group membership which are widely diffused with the development of mass literacy and a national educational system which industrialization itself makes necessary .
22 To establish a start point , traditional cooking temperatures were set and balanced with a microwave power level to suit the food 's characteristics , that is to say their dielectric properties , for example , dense or delicate , sugar or liquid content , chilled or frozen and so on .
23 The Miami Cubans are flexing their wallets for the return to a country whose people are healthier , better educated and less racially divided than when the exiles left .
24 His voice was cultured , he spoke with a more cosmopolitan accent than Edward Morris who though obviously educated and quite well to do had a marked Welsh accent .
25 Braidwood , however , found that Geikie was so well educated and so far in advance of the other students that he began to use him more as an assistant teacher rather than as a pupil .
26 I now find that the perms do n't take very well and I have to have it repermed and even then there is some part where it does not take .
27 The only relief is from being constantly carried and even then the relief may not last or they will want to be carried first by one parent and then the other .
28 Corbett could hardly understand their accent and was thankful for the stout staff his guide carried and so expertly used to make their way through the milling crowd .
29 It is clear that this kind of INSET provision could have been much more effective if the membership of each course had been carefully targeted and hence more homogeneous ; many of the teachers who attended would have been better served by a simpler , more sharply focused presentation of recommendations specifically relevant to their own current practice .
30 All assets built up during the marriage should be regarded as jointly owned and therefore jointly divided on divorce , apart from those which are clearly intended for one party or the other through a specific gift or bequest .
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