Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] and on " in BNC.

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1 One danger is that prospective purchasers get carried away and on occasion acquire land on impulse without fully investigating factors which may influence the financial success of the proposed development .
2 Our theory — if we are in the business of expounding a theory on the subject of pub design — is that each pub must be treated individually and on its own merits .
3 He understood far better than Mao that socialism had to be built gradually and on the basis of ‘ capitalist production ’ .
4 He noticed that Minton often talked despairingly and on several occasions involved himself and Vaughan in discussions of suicide .
5 A porthole was opened amidships and on a plank lay the small body .
6 In Rome he was housed comfortably and on 13 April attended the first hearing , when some Dominicans produced the unsigned document .
7 The curtains were drawn still and on this winter day it was almost as dark as night in here .
8 Stukeley in his diary tells us how he invited King Vortigern to be entertained there and on the king 's arrival he introduced him to Rowena , his beautiful daughter , who presented Vortigern with a gold wassail cup .
9 Income tax will be payable on bonuses and pay taken early and on interest crystalised in bank accounts .
10 Powerful voluntary organisations such as MENCAP ( the Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults ) and the Spastics Society have helped to raise political and public awareness of the needs of children with disabilities and have fought hard and on the whole successfully to secure better services for them and for their families .
11 But we must ensure that changes are implemented quickly and on the scale needed to address the current problems .
12 But the time comes when control is lost again and on each occasion the disease and its consequences are worse than previously .
13 If organisations operated through the exercise of what Alan Fox has termed ‘ high trust ’ relationships between both managers and operators , and among operators themselves , then much of the necessary co-ordination and flow of information could be handled informally and on the basis of good will ( Fox 1974 ) .
14 ‘ If only we could get taken on by three or four large farms with big dairy herds , it would make a tremendous difference — large cheques paid regularly and on time . ’
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