Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Groups formed in this way tended to remain relatively stable , moving as a whole from one activity to another , although in a few classes they were formed only for specific activities ( generally mathematics ) and disbanded for the rest of the day .
2 Children of 4 years and upwards may be developed sufficiently for this technique to be effective .
3 It was Germany which had pressed hardest for more powers to be granted to the European Parliament at the expense of the national parliaments as the price for monetary union on German terms .
4 Tranquillizers should be prescribed only for short periods to help patients through crises where their levels of anxiety are such that their coping ability is grossly impaired .
5 Spending by our 1989 clients is listed below for two week holidays , excluding gifts , but including all other things such as moped and car hire , food , drink and excursions .
6 Weaker than the last , it holds that beliefs given us as ‘ data ’ are never fully justified merely for that reason , but that all such beliefs are already partially justified , quite apart from any further support they may receive from other beliefs .
7 In the example given below for each entry , the default settings are used when a parameter is omitted .
8 Engineers are devising a modular robot ( see picture ) comprising standard sections that can be joined together for specific applications .
9 Now 45 people had joined together for 2 hours of fun .
10 The Peta was intended only for local defence but there was also the Hei-Ho whose strength in Java was close on 25000 .
11 These manuals are intended only for those people closely involved in setting up and managing a LIFESPAN system .
12 Mebendazole is effective if given daily for five days .
13 A spokesperson for the band confirmed a national tour is currently being pieced together for late autumn .
14 Any group can make a bid and will be considered seriously , but assistance will be given only for one management — employee buy-out team per company .
15 The British Standard BS 6652 for child resistance is granted to specific combinations of bottle and cap and has been given only for some makes of closures on BS 1679 bottles , which are the ones we use in this hospital .
16 The Primary Enterprise Pack — This support pack has been developed especially for primary school teachers by the Polytechnic of North London .
17 Equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) can be solved analytically for spherical impactors in an isothermal atmosphere if and C H are held constant .
18 In June Lithuanians had voted overwhelmingly for Russian troops to be withdrawn by the end of 1992 ; Latvia and Estonia had reportedly also made the same demand .
19 He and I do not perhaps instantly fit into the standard parliamentary stereotypes of the steady old stallion and the keen young foal who are usually harnessed together for this occasion .
20 He also found evidence , however , to support the contention that the country 's nuclear power programme was designed only for civilian power generation .
21 The original airstrip was designed only for short nights to the mainland in the days when the Foreign Office was encouraging the seduction of the Falklands by Argentina . ’
22 This kind of arrangement may be possible in the more flexible reports of major excavations now being planned , and will be a great advance on the old-fashioned set-piece type of report which seems to be designed only for those wanting to study particular types of artefact , rather than the history and significance of the site itself .
23 An important step was to show that if the semiconductor is cooled sufficiently for all the electrons to be in the lowest permitted energy states , then the mobile electrons in the inversion layer can move only in two dimensions .
24 When a basalt flow has cooled sufficiently for some sort of crust to form , one of two possible things can happen .
25 The main service on offer is the Schwab One International account which has been designed especially for international investors .
26 Designed especially for young hands , from age three upwards , the puzzles have 24 extra-large pieces , and are all based on popular nursery rhymes — including Humpty Dumpty , Hey Diddle Diddle and Old MacDonald 's Farm .
28 The United States would probably have reverted to isolationism as happened after the First World War ; Congress would have cut back Defence spending , starving the US defence/industrial base ; and American big business would have looked elsewhere for profitable enterprises .
29 Rather , it is due to a complex interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors , which are not unique to the tropics and which have to be resolved individually for any particular forest . ’
30 The Dean gazed affectionately at her : a tall , handsome woman whose company he 'd enjoyed immensely for thirty-five years .
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