Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 As he was talking , he was sliding out of bed , still trying to face his wife , but finally leaping up with a glad cry and rushing for the door , clad only in his pyjama top , his penis smacking against his thighs as he ran , as she noted .
2 Rachel , who had already been battling with unpredictable sensations brought on by the close proximity of David clad only in his brief black swimming-trunks , felt her cheeks flame and could n't bring herself to look at him .
3 This was the case with Lucy , and it was the case with just about all of the recruits that Charlie had gathered together in his long and shady backstage career .
4 Regrettably , he makes the same point in his brilliant collection of causeries In Defence Of Art , gathered together by his wife Aileen , in 1988 , when he links Susan Musgrave 's ‘ inner nightmares ’ to Leonard 's ‘ early poetry ’ .
5 His period at Point Cook seems to have been distinguished only by his getting a first in flying , and a second in the academic studies — by his standards , a poor start .
6 Mr Stan Cardwell MBE , co-founder of the North-East ramblers ' association , said : ‘ His style was one of cooperation , not confrontation , and through this he made many friends , not least among the farming community , where he was regarded highly for his expertise on rights of way matters .
7 No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he glanced anxiously about , his unattractive features relaxing when he saw that his words had fallen only on his stepson 's ears .
8 In an unusual concession to a man once pilloried daily for his association with the Cultural Revolution and Mao 's despised widow Jiang Qing , his remains were cremated at Peking 's Babaoshan cemetery , a privilege normally reserved for senior cadres .
9 He spoke of nothing so much as his guilt at having depended only upon his own staff for security .
10 This fine actor 's last work will be pieced together for his family .
11 He 'd let them down disgracefully , ruining a dinner party that was given entirely for his benefit .
12 When Sakharov suffered last summer from thrombophlebitis , a serious condition , he was treated only by his wife . ’
13 Morrissey deserves to be quizzed relentlessly on his attitude towards the Asian community , Asian culture , the NF , Britain 's generation and the myth of ‘ Englishness ’ .
14 As Alfred Oliver begins to rise , a blunt instrument is smashed forcibly upon his head , followed by more blows incessantly raining down upon the elderly tobacconist .
15 Sangster has also fared badly through his involvement with Classic Thoroughbreds , a more recent venture .
16 He believed that Resenence Jeopardy had penetrated deeper into his soul than that .
17 His concern for the souls of the rich was equalled only by his fear of the impatience of the poor ; he lived in daily fear of revolution .
18 the spatter of freckles over the craggy nose and wide forehead , and the thatch of red hair springing under the headphones , and thought how like the boy was to his father , that redoubtable , thrice-decorated peer , whole courage was equalled only by his obstinacy and naivete .
19 She 'd suddenly found herself staring at his hands , which were clenched together behind his back .
20 Moreover , when we consider the courses that Pound was led into by his conviction of the civic responsibility of the man of letters — his money pamphlets of the 1930s , his desperate visit home in 1938 to keep the USA out of war with Italy , particularly his wartime broadcasts over Rome radio — we have some right to conclude either that the artist has no civic responsibility at all , or else that that responsibility can safely be discharged only in his art and nowhere else .
21 Scattered all over his territories were 738,000 Japanese ; in theory a defeated army but in most cases still armed and either potentially dangerous or the only organized force capable of keeping chaos at bay .
22 He said that his passion for football had come long before his interest in composing .
23 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
24 Bored as he waits for the liquid to boil , eyed admiringly by his pint-sized partner , he plays with wooden spills , dipping them into the solution and passing them through the flame beneath .
25 Carrie 's hand dropped away from his arm and there was relief in her voice when she said , ‘ I saw you leaving and was worried about you . ’
26 Gunners boss George Graham refused to get carried away with his side 's fifth successive League victory , which lifted them into third place .
27 SINGER Julian Lennon looks to have got a bit carried away with his shopping .
28 Carried away with his own enthusiasm , Seb said , ‘ It 's only a beginning .
29 Even F. Nansen , the esteemed Norwegian co-ordinator of many other foreign relief organizations , could on occasion be carried away by his emotions and give a semi-fictional account of conditions in the Volga provinces .
30 Carried away by his success young Thomas Borrow had knocked down the officer , then aggravated his offence by twice striking to the ground his master , Mr. Hambly .
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