Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [art] most " in BNC.

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1 The group seems to have been given only the most broad and general of aims .
2 India has made perhaps the most dramatic move of all the shifting land masses .
3 So your ideal system would have been to have a few strategic Cabinet committees beneath the Cabinet that would have done all the most controversial business ?
4 This city once possessed possibly the most important woollen manufacturing industry in France and the great textile barons took advantage of the rising reputation of Champagne by giving bottles away to customers .
5 In spite of most people perceiving themselves as planners , the survey reveals that in some of the most important and fundamental areas of life they have not made even the most minimal plans .
6 But as I quickly discovered , if any real progress is to be made even the most reactionary views need to be listened to and respected .
7 On pricing , the conclusions which could be generally agreed were so flabby and meaningless that they might have made even the most brazen practitioner of newspeak blush .
8 But no Romanized townships sprang up ; there were no farmstead villas of the type found in southern Britain ; and the sheer cost in fortification , roadworks and supplies required to maintain a presence in such bleak and unrewarding country finally defeated even the most assiduous empire-builders .
9 I thought he was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen certainly the most beautiful male .
10 I think there are again arguments about what 's the most effective way to act here because it 's been proposed some people have thrown into discussion the idea that college bars might have more restrictive policies , but then it 's said actually the most problematic forms of drunkenness are those which involve heavy drinking in private .
11 Unlike Western governments , which have been careful to avoid giving the appearance of fomenting unrest in eastern Europe , the Norwegian Nobel committee is thought to be ready to try to advance the cause of democracy in a country which has shown only the most rudimentary signs of change .
12 You know the way it is — someone dies whose example was meaningful to you , who was significant in your mind 's evolution , though you may have had only the most fleeting personal acquaintance with them .
13 Yet there is no question that , across the economic cycle , it has been the Rhine model which has shown far the most robust capacity for growth .
14 But he had skilfully pacified even the most vociferous of dissenters .
15 For many years , people have been astonished at the ‘ revolting judicial behaviour ’ of the European Court of Justice , whose determined promotion of European integration has surprised even the most ardent federalists .
16 In addition to ending the uncertainty surrounding her preferred successor , the announcement — made on Aquino 's 59th birthday — finally convinced even the most sceptical commentators that her previous statements that she did not intend to seek re-election for a further six-year term were genuine .
17 ISS sought to add to this by what has become perhaps the most famous aspect of the report , its philosophy of achievement as expressed in what it called the four aspects of achievement , namely
18 They had raised only the most discreet eyebrow at the bedraggled urchins who queued to deposit the takings from the magazine and mail-order ; at the implausible schemes for manor-house recording studios and sundry businesses of a bizarreness beyond the bank 's mannered comprehension .
19 In the past four years the reaction has become probably the most widely used single technique in all branches of the biological sciences .
20 A moment that has become singly the most searing and beautiful and shimmering memory that I have .
21 Sadly , the gloom of World Cup failure prevails ; Denmark 's 1–0 defeat of Albania earlier in the day rendered even the most optimistic mathematician 's calculator redundant .
22 From the audience 's applause it was obvious that most of them agreed , which led me to reflect yet again how this general attitude — exemplified by the average audience for the BBC 's Question Time — has become almost the most familiar political stance of our time .
23 By the middle of the nineteenth century developments in medicine offered a new challenge to the parish ‘ guardian ’ , who had previously provided only the most rudimentary care to the sick .
24 Michael Rayer has given the selectors so little excuse to drop him , has been so sound in all aspects of play , that he has consigned possibly the most dangerous prong of the Welsh attack to the replacements ' bench .
25 Not because I 've tapped it into the word processor so many times — though that would be reason enough — but because once it is uttered even the most sensible , humane people tend to react in a disturbing , almost totalitarian , way .
26 Not because I 've tapped it into the word processor so many times — though that would be reason enough — but because once it is uttered even the most sensible , humane people tend to react in a disturbing , almost totalitarian , way .
27 There were some significant erm factors that im impinged on profits i in nineteen ninety two and we 've listed here the most important ones .
28 For hundreds of years this innocent diversion has fascinated even the most learned of men .
29 The Russian revolution had swept away the most cruel and backward government in Europe and become a symbol of hope for many people , a symbol that ideas of freedom and justice could overcome tyranny .
30 As indicated earlier the most persistent of all stereotypes about ageing is that the later phases of the life cycle are a time of universal , and inevitable , biological decline .
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