Example sentences of "[vb pp] [coord] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 It will alienate the interviewer if you seem mainly concerned to ensure your holiday will not have to be cancelled or that you will be eligible for the next pay rise .
2 Since vitamin C is water soluble any excess is excreted and so you do n't have to worry about taking too much .
3 occupied and as you say , she 's she 's she 's in the , the nursing home and I mean , it 's same environment all the time so , she 's bound to dwell it on longer is n't she ?
4 The menu is varied and if you choose to do so , you could make a full meal of it — for instance you could choose calamari , followed by Scottish salmon , followed by delicious fudge brownies .
5 The important thing is to be open about yourself — both in terms of where you are oppressed and where you oppress others .
6 Duplicate module names are not permitted and so you should repeat supplying a module name once only .
7 Duplicate DC identifiers are not permitted and so you should repeat supplying a DC identifier once only .
8 Duplicate SPR identifiers are not permitted and so you should repeat supplying an SPR identifier once only .
9 Alan , can you feed back to Jenny what the state of play is , but she also does n't seem to have her document control particularly well organised and if you and D P , sorry D T P , re-issuing those guidelines , you should n't be .
10 This booklet describes what the ES does , how it 's organised and where you will fit in .
11 You remind me of a beautiful ripe peach just waiting to be picked but when you 're opened up — surprise , surprise !
12 So if you definitely want to combine spreadsheet ranges with charts and other graphics — arrows , annotations and so on — SuperCalc is not to be recommended but if you want a powerful DOS spreadsheet , which is capable of professional looking results and highly informative graphs , then SuperCalc 5.5 provides all the features you need and is a bargain at only £79 .
13 This may be easier said than done but if you have a clear idea of the purpose of the meeting and have prepared a thorough list of everything you want to know then you must stick to your guns and carry on relentlessly until you have worked your way through it .
14 Reader manipulation is another recurring feature that in some ways is obvious looking at how the book is written but as you 're reading the book you 're practically living in it and when you finish it 's almost as if a piece of your daily routine is missing and because it is an integral part of your life it is hard to distance yourself from it and analyse it .
15 if it is to be arranged and that you 're dealt with at another court Crown Court will have to arrange that .
16 In particular , you need to be certain about how many assignments you will be given and when you are expected to hand them in .
17 In addition , we are asking that motion three zero eight be referred and that you support motion three zero nine .
18 It was a cake you never got in England , because there the milk did not have to be boiled and so you could never collect a bowlful of creamy skin from successive goes .
19 Flowers are very brittle once pressed and if you try to touch them with your fingers they will be completely ruined , no matter how careful you are .
20 and she said well I 'll be able to tell you how many enquiries we 've had and so you know , you were expecting something you know
21 This concentrates on it but builds builds the platform on which other courses on advanced presentation skills and negotiation skills team presentation skills are all founded and so you 're able to er continue through er the courses .
22 They steer people away from any home which they believe is likely to be closed and once you start doing this , you will in fact be sealing the fate of those homes and you it 's a very , very dangerous game , you 've got ta be , you 've got ta play it very , very carefully indeed and I hope Chairman that there can be a degree of common sense and rationality introduced into discussions between the members of the various groups who have to deal with these very difficult issues .
23 So then it went on from there to Canada so it just worked out or appeared to work out that right around the world at that particular time ten or eleven years ago , that nobody was bothered and as you said the Beautiful Dreamers and this sort of stuff until we came along and er but other than that we would be surprised .
24 Which is a very similar wording to the one used and if you do decide er to go forward with this criteria , perhaps erm there 's scope to introduce the wording avoiding coalescence .
25 It may sound a little long winded but after you have read the manual ( twice ) you should understand the plot and the idea .
26 Mind , I 'm not bothered but if you get them little'uns they last no time do they ?
27 YOGA/MEDITATION An explanation probably is n't needed but if you 're interested just see what your local community or neighbourhood centres are doing .
28 It 's one thing if you 're fully staffed but if you think that whichever of my boys is on guard duty for the day is responsible for the shopping as well as the cooking , and I have to put another boy on guard as substitute to him and another at the disposition of the local magistrate , and I 've two out on motor-bike patrol — where am I when a case like this comes up and I 've got to be out ? ’
29 She had told him once as they lay at peace in bed that the sleep after childbirth , an unconsciousness that might only last a split second , was the most complete sleep she had ever known and when you woke from it you felt you had been elsewhere for a hundred years .
30 In Darlington , where the Neighbourhood Watch scheme is supposed to be the biggest catch all since the trawl net was invented and where you can get into terrible trouble for suggesting there might be holes in the net the number of burglaries from houses has increased by 25pc in a year .
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