Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 By then he should have fully recovered from the injured right thigh muscle that has delayed his eagerly awaited debut in Italian football .
2 I complained and although it was stopped I still got my books later .
3 Oh my God , darling , I 'd forgotten I ever signed that ! ’
4 As Tyndale described himself in a letter to his disciple Frith , ‘ God hath made me ill favoured in this world , and without grace in the sight of men , speechless and rude , dull and ill witted . ’
5 ‘ This honour has made me more determined to continue with my work , ’ said Annette , 46 .
6 They 've made me more determined to stand again .
7 ‘ I feel staggered at being chosen as a winner , and it has made me really thrilled , even though I am a few years older than the others , ’ he said .
8 The addition of this weakling to the family of Test nations will seen them merely tolerated as non-profitable visitors , lower on the scale even than Sri Lanka , who are still awaiting a first invitation to play West Indies after 10 years of Test status .
9 I 've noticed you always used a machine .
10 The Princess had said she particularly wanted to meet mothers who had had a treatment known as chorionic villus biopsy , which was a very exciting breakthrough .
11 Er what we have got to do you see a as I have said we really got to designate a duty to a position
12 He 'd always had the nicest smile , open and boyish , but she 'd forgotten the way his hazel eyes sparkled with greenish lights , perhaps because she 'd never seen him so tanned before .
13 She had never seen him so agitated .
14 To know the meaning of the weakness that had sapped the strength from her limbs when she had seen him half stripped earlier ?
15 I realized , suddenly , that I had n't once seen her properly dressed since my arrival .
16 She caught herself smiling ridiculously when he 'd gone , and realised that she felt quite cheered that he had n't simply given her a lift to Prague , seen her safely installed in the spare bedroom , and then forgotten about her .
17 If he 'd decided to look in , and seen her fully dressed , the game would have been up .
18 I 've never seen her so upset before .
19 He finished this one quicker than the other two and when that was done he immediately picked up the knife and cut the next slice .
20 Earlier , however , Mr Maan had said he personally believed that the CRE investigation could damage the CRC 's relationship with the region , and he opposed the decision to start the inquiry .
21 I 've never seen it fully extended actually so I
22 You see , with it being twenty foot , so so I 've never seen it fully extended .
23 Its rarity and beauty has made it much prized , easily worked by skilled craftsmen and worn by both men and women .
24 It great that you 've got me totally confused here .
25 I used to babysit before but for older ones , and coming here 's got me more used to younger babies .
26 ‘ I still think the great moments in acting are when a theatre audience lets out a big laugh at just the point when you want them to laugh — or when you can hear a pin drop because you 've got them totally captivated in the drama . ’
27 I 'd have thought you perhaps wanted to go
28 What 's got you so tickled ? ’
29 I know it 's him , this man — what was his name ? — Luke Denner , that 's got you so worked up ; you 've not been the same since those few days in the country and that plan of his has been sitting on your desk untouched for days on end .
30 " The examination being closed we then distributed under the recommendation of the Examiner various Books to the boys who had chiefly distinguished themselves as a reward for assiduity and good conduct , and as an incitement to future exertions which were received by them with marked satisfaction . "
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