Example sentences of "[vb pp] [art] [noun sg] to have " in BNC.

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1 I was given the opportunity to have a rehearsal with him but I declined because I am not like the professionals who can rehearse in detail and then put it over as fresh as a daisy when the time comes .
2 I believe that we have been given the right to have dominion over animals .
3 The data subject is also given the right to have such data corrected or erased , ‘ where appropriate ’ .
4 I was given the option to have him put down at any time , but of course as time went on his recovery was more and more likely and my hopes got higher .
5 The notification requirement applies at certain threshold levels , namely 10 per cent , 20 per cent , one-third , 50 per cent and two-thirds , although member states are given the option to have different thresholds in certain cases ( for example a 25 per cent threshold instead of the 20 per cent and one-third thresholds ) .
6 Along with these improvements in the market , we see demands for vessel safety , concern for the environment , all oil spillages have highlighted the need to have modern ships with the right design .
7 A benefit will be treated as received in the United Kingdom if , had the benefit been income arising from possessions , s65(6)– ( 9 ) would have deemed the income to have been received in the United Kingdom .
8 ‘ one would have expected the ransom to have been paid . ’
9 The Spidergobs had once caught a technerd to have fun with , a technerd who could savvy scumlingo , and who 'd screamed about how all his gang cousins had been taken into the Troopies up at some gateway fortress where the land-trains left , whatever those were .
10 Had Norman Lamont been making his speech to the Commons 100 years ago , he would have worn a hat and commentators would have expected a rabbit to have been produced from it .
11 Branson stood beside Simon Draper , visibly shaking , his face set in a grim mask , ‘ I ca n't tell you , ’ he began , ‘ how sad I am that people have felt the need to have a meeting , without Simon and I being present .
12 ‘ Having made the decision to have Sandy put to sleep , my husband spent the evening before digging her a grave .
13 Although Martin has said that some bass players like to be able to significantly alter their sound while they are actually playing on stage , I 've never seen the need to have all the gubbins on the bass to do that , then have lots more gubbins on the amp to do more of the same .
14 Pat has not yet met a group to have fellowship with but she has made contact ’ by chance ’ with a Christian we shall call ’ George ’ .
15 The US government also vetoed a plan to have the reports of the working groups reviewed jointly by the US National Academy of Sciences ( NAS ) and Canada 's Royal Academy of Sciences .
16 Hank must have done a robbery to have so much money — he must have — there had been one or two bad ones recently — a Chinese grocer had been shot to death , in one instance .
17 still we want this , we want this , they 've made a request to have this done and it 's government funded and so it 's quite an interesting project really just to record things
18 She 's already undergone an operation to have shrapnel removed from her back .
19 We have also been offered the opportunity to have a former L.M.S .
20 The school governors have been offered the opportunity to have pupils bussed to another school .
21 Who the rise was due to I do n't know except that I think David probably would n't have had the idea to have opened such wonderful offices and created such a great mystique about it which MainMan had .
22 What does leisure mean to people who have never had the chance to have real work opportunities ?
23 Having had the misfortune to have good rail links , a large aerodrome and to be within easy reach , Aachen was a regular target for Allied bombing raids , so that much of it is recent .
24 Mm , and she 's got the audacity to have a go at other people .
25 Got the time to have a quick look at the paper now have n't we ?
26 Poor Madame Moulton found that Princess Metternich had acquired a quantity of corn on the cob which she had persuaded the Empress to have cooked and served so that Mme Moulton could give a demonstration of how it should be eaten .
27 His research has shown the area to have decreased from 2,000 square kilometres in 1966 to 700 sq km in 1989 .
28 Annie must have used the house-phone to have her paged at the restaurant .
29 ‘ But Jefferson and Williams have had no opportunity to have their hands in the Cathedral till .
30 ‘ I tell you , Mr Wycliffe , a man 's got a job to have a pee on this coast without being seen — during the day , that is . ’
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