Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] life 's " in BNC.

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1 If we all realised just how intimately lonely we all are , the word and feeling ‘ lonely ’ could be cancelled from life 's experience and we would relate to one another in a more true fashion since we would be aware of the limitations of relationships .
2 She had lived her twenty-two years surrounded by life 's little luxuries , all the wonderful comforts that money could buy , and she did n't see herself as the sort of healthy , hardy girl who could endure too many minor inconveniences with a cheery smile .
3 The roots torn up and bleeding on the ground and the woman smashed by life 's storms were to him interchangeable images .
4 Should it produce the rounded man , versed in life 's rich mysteries , yet having an awareness of his responsibilities to his craft , or should it procreate the technical expert whose knowledge of all things professional is without equal ?
5 You may have loved her or hated her , agreed with her or violently opposed her , but not even her worst enemy could have accused her of spinelessness or a desire to be shielded from life 's little unpleasantnesses .
6 They were not , Hope observed , as Mrs Crump and Mrs Moore surrounded her with attention , the welled-up tears of spontaneous emotion — not if he was anything of a judge : there was something spare , almost dry , if the word could be excused , about the tears ; he noted their dryness carefully while , in mime show , semaphoring to Colonel Moore and Mr Crump ‘ the female of the species ’ and ‘ over-sensibility ’ and ‘ poor child ’ and ‘ let the ladies resolve it but although we are men of the world we too are not unmoved by the finer shades of feeling , especially for those fallen on life 's remorseless battlefield . ’
7 This is therefore preparing pupils for the real world ; they will not have to unlearn , nor painfully make many avoidable mistakes , when forced by life 's vagaries to make the journey across the waters ( or the minefield ) alone .
8 A fragile , breakable , disposable population , with no more than a toe-hold on life when trade was good and employment more plentiful ; flicked off life 's surface , almost without being noticed , when it was not .
9 ‘ Pet Sounds ’ was all of that : big fluffy clouds of studio-driven glory and a mass of dreamy , angsty impressions about falling in love and growing up and feeling extraordinarily sensitised about life 's rich business .
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