Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] be very " in BNC.

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31 Staff who witnessed the murder are said to be very distressed .
32 GE Plastics has introduced a strong new alternative to glass for home use — Lexan Margarde , which is said to be very effective .
33 According to a DCDA telephone survey four places in Stockton are said to be very rarely vacant and 21 on North Tyneside , due to be ready from April , are already subject to a long waiting list .
34 A religious war is often said to be very bitter because the two sides are fighting for something that they both feel is very important .
35 I just thought it was worthwhile making that point as it is made to be very .
36 Bearing in mind that the Earth is only about 150 million kilometres from the Sun , the chances of one of our spores being captured by any potentially life-sustaining planet of a Centauri can be seen to be very slender indeed .
37 The expectations and priorities of social workers are seen to be very low in relation to the children 's education ; changes of placement lead to changes of school and this is seldom taken into account in placement decisions .
38 The church occupies an interesting site in relation to the rest of the village , and the manor sites can now also be seen to be very complex .
39 Efforts to chart continuities in maladjustment almost invariably fail to find more than a small relationship between early attachment or infant behaviour and later emotional or behavioural adjustment , and although very early relationships and behaviour are seen to be very important , most researchers aiming to demonstrate this fact end by concluding that discontinuity rather than continuity is the rule ( e.g. Lewis et al. , 1984 ; Fischer et al. , 1984 ) .
40 However , matters between him and his congregation gradually deteriorated as he was thought to be very ‘ High Church ’ , and a bitter dispute broke out between 1845 and 1848 between ‘ High ’ and ‘ Low ’ Church supporters .
41 They were once thought to be very dangerous indeed and believed to steal infants for the Devil to torment in Hell .
42 While not wishing to comment on the economic arguments for communism in terms of its capacity to create more wealth more equally distributed , an aim Freud thought to be very important for the future , he thought that communism contained an ‘ illusion ’ about man 's nature .
43 I had a great opinion of my person and air , which had been remarked by many ladies whom my vanity thought to be very good judges of these outward advantages .
44 Similarly , Andrew Hargreaves , Member for Birmingham Hall Green , is rightly thought to be very ‘ balanced ’ in his views .
45 The problems posed by authors changing their names are thought to be very limited .
46 The problems posed by authors changing their names are thought to be very limited .
47 The risks are thought to be very small : ( 1 ) because the balance of the natural environment is primarily controlled by the species already present which appear to operate to the detriment of new introductions ; and ( 2 ) because in new releases of microorganisms to date , all very closely monitored , there has been no evidence of any of them getting out of control or adversely affecting the environment .
48 So I think that er to put parental investment theory centre stage is more reliable and better than the rather old-fashioned biological approach which in talking about sex emphasise things like sex chromosomes and hormones , so that a sex chromosome in a mammal for instance was something that a male had but a female did n't and this gave rise to hormonal effects like those of testosterone erm which are thought to be very important .
49 ‘ I 've had to be very , very careful and say ‘ you ca n't afford it ’ . ’
50 Inspector Alan Miller , of North Yorks Police , said : ‘ They would have had to be very determined to breach the wires , ignore warning signs and risk confronting armed guards for the sake of a few rabbits . ’
51 Robson , snapped up on a free transfer from West Ham last season , added : ‘ I 've had to be very careful because the trouble was caused by a virus infection .
52 I speak English , French and Spanish but not the others mentioned , so I have had to be very open to inferring sociolinguistic information and to being wary of my own assumptions .
53 ‘ I 've had to be very strong through this .
54 You must 've had to be very careful then when he was slaughtering the animals if he was a haemo
55 In this industry you 've got to be very much an ‘ open-door ’ person .
56 You 've got to be prepared to listen to a lot of varied opinions about many difficult problems , assess the people who give you those opinions and at the end of the day you 've got to be very decisive and determined .
57 You 've got to be very conscious too of people 's personal problems and relationships .
58 ‘ Not being active was very difficult to begin with , but I think you 've got to be very positive and just say to yourself , ‘ I am old now , I 'm 92 .
59 If you 're one of those who ca n't walk much , you 've got to be very careful to exercise your self-will .
60 ‘ One 's also got to be very careful to take account of the word ‘ contract ’ .
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