Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] be [num] " in BNC.

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1 Oil revenue was expected to be 257,000 million francs CFA , with other revenue ( excluding loans ) set at 181,000 million francs CFA ; the investment budget was set at 102,000 million francs CFA .
2 It was calculated that the measures contained in the 1992 budget would bring about a reduction of 3-4 per cent in the real incomes of many workers and pensioners , as anticipated increases in wages and in pensions were equivalent to half of the inflation rate ( expected to be 12.5 per cent ) .
3 A sunshine-filled adaption of Peter Mayle 's A Year In Provence with John Thaw and Lindsay Duncan is expected to be one of the viewing highlights on BBC1 in the grey months ahead .
4 The serial , about an English couple who quit the rat race to live the good and simple life in sunny France , is expected to be one of the highlights of BBC1 's £80 million schedule for the winter months .
5 She had expected to be one of the others .
6 This was expected to be one of the issues to be raised during the meeting .
7 Inflation this year is now expected to be 3.5 per cent , with a similar figure next year , while unemployment is now expected to level off at about 3.1 million this year and next , reflecting the fact that companies have already shed labour faster than in previous cycles .
8 According to the Fiji Reserve Bank , GDP growth was expected to be 5 per cent .
9 At a news conference on May 5 a member of the Cuban Communist Party political bureau , Carlos Lage Dávila , stated that projected imports for 1992 were expected to be 58 per cent down on 1991 and that imported fuel would total 6,000,000 tonnes compared with the previous " usual " annual figure of 13,300,000 tonnes .
10 Although passenger cars are expected to be 80–90 per cent ‘ cleaner ’ ( and lorries 75 — per cent ) under the plan , there obviously comes a point where , unless there is an endless expansion of the road system , so many vehicles will defeat their purpose , mobility , and still be , however ‘ clean ’ , a pollution problem .
11 Jensen 10 has developed an absolute measure of portfolio performance based on the risk premium version of the CAPM : This may be estimated by an ex-post linear regression , where the sum of the error terms is expected to be zero .
12 The situation changes when dealing with a liquid as remains unaffected by the addition of molecules and can be expected to be zero .
13 With the emphasis being placed on long-run equilibrium , percentage changes in the rate of interest can be expected to be zero ( is a proxy for the return on a wide range of assets ) and the is the rate of change of output governed by real influences such as factor supplies and their productivities .
14 Erm as you can see the sales in the first two are expected to be four point nine almost five million pounds .
15 The centre-right government in office since October 1991 presented a revised finance bill on April 24 , after it had emerged that the budget deficit for 1992/93 was expected to be 101,800 million kronor ( representing 6.9 per cent of gross domestic product — GDP ) , well above the 70,800 million kronor expected when the 1992/93 draft budget was presented in January [ see p. 38737 ] .
16 One example of this is that the CEGB 's engineering costs for a new coal plant are expected to be 16 per cent higher than for the completion of the coal-fired Drax power station while for a new AGR it expects engineering costs to be 20 per cent lower than for the Heysham II prototype .
17 But inflation is expected to be 0.4 percentage points higher in both years , while interest rates might rise by half a point in 1991 and perhaps by 30 basis points in 1992 .
18 In the Greek-Cypriot controlled area the growth of the economy in 1991 was expected to be 4.5 per cent , unemployment 2 per cent and inflation 4.5 per cent .
19 Growth in Germany and Japan next year is expected to be 3.2 per cent and 4.5 per cent respectively .
20 To some extent this is true , since Michael Chisholm 's research has shown that subsistence land use results in settlements being not more than 1 kilometre ( ½ mile ) or so from most of their land ( Fig 59 ) and hence settlements should perhaps be expected to be 1–2 kilometres ( ½-1 mile ) apart .
21 According to an International Wheat Council report in April 1989 , world wheat stocks at the end of the 1988-90 season were expected to be 103,000,000 tonnes — down from 135,000,000 tonnes at the end of the previous year — with the biggest decline being in US stocks [ see p. 36280 ] .
22 Suppose that on 15 January , the 1 month and 2-month rates were the same at 9.25 per cent ; i.e. , the yield curve was flat over this range and expected to remain flat , so that the l-month rate starting in one month 's time is also expected to be 9.25 per cent .
23 But in the first 10 months of 1989 alone over 7,000 have arrived , and there are expected to be 10,000 by the end of the year .
24 ( The 1991 deficit was expected to be 4.75 per cent of net national income . )
25 The new unit will be at Kingsport , Tennessee , US , and capacity is expected to be 60 000 t pa .
26 The UV radiation reaching the ground is expected to be 33 per cent higher than in 1980 by the end of the century , which " could have a profound effect on agriculture and forestry , " according to Dr Brian Jordan of Horticulture Research International .
27 Fleming 's Level was expected to be 35 fathoms before intersecting the lode and was assessed at a likely £4 : 10s. per fathom with £23 10s. for the metals and sleepers .
28 Industrial production in 1992 was expected to be 20 per cent down , and capital investment 50-55 per cent down , compared with 1991 .
29 Triton SCI will offer bridges to VME-based systems and is claimed to be five times faster than systems that will be built around the emerging Futurebus+ standard .
30 The benefits of synergy or cross-fertilisation were claimed to be one of the main reasons for the link-up .
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