Example sentences of "[vb pp] [be] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Two factors that have influenced the way these have been developed are the principle that Davidson believes in , that ‘ what is measured gets done ’ , and his experiences in dealing with boards and managers at the coalface in retail banking .
2 Similarly traceried are the fan vaults which roof these magnificent buildings .
3 Amongst the offices listed are the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds and that of bailiff of the Manor of Northstead the existence of which is nominal only but ‘ appointment' ’ of a Member of Parliament to which is the traditional manner of resigning a seat .
4 Hard work , thrift , and the enjoyment of income earned are the hallmark of the " protestant work ethic " that is still characteristic of many western societies .
5 Included are the HP ISDN Link/S700 add-on card for its 720 , 730 and 750 workstations — with transfer speeds of up to 128Kb per second — HP ISDN server and HP ISDN Link/MS-DOS , which allow PCs to take advantage of ISDN circuit switching services .
6 How well targeted are the Moorland and Set-Aside schemes ?
7 Highly recommended are the hotel 's famed seafood restaurant and the more traditional ‘ Schöneberger Krug ’ .
8 Amongst the matters to be considered are the nature of the disease ; the degree and persistence of its infectivity ; the date when the sufferer resided in the house ; the steps taken to prevent risk of infection and the like .
9 But exalted be the man who can use such a creation to pen a thankyou note come Boxing Day .
10 The most vociferously opposed union maintains that all the problems could be solved were the government to remove the PTT from the financial tutelage of the finance ministry and give it an independent budget .
11 Included were the need for leadership from a company like Compaq to galvanize the market , the distractions of Alpha , the paltry number of OEMs ARC has attracted , the MIPS-killer promise of the upcoming Intel 80586 and the restructuring of ACE to de-emphasise Intel , the natural volume frontrunner .
12 How well designed is the Habitat Improvement Scheme ?
13 An additional important factor in influencing the way in which group awards should be designed is the introduction of National Vocational Qualifications ( NVQs ) in the rest of the UK .
14 Development in the open countryside would not normally be permitted is the way that the the draft policy 's guidance .
15 Part of this theoretical conflict arises from different understandings of the term ‘ bureaucracy ’ and whether the bureaucratic phenomenon being stressed is the expansion in the number of state agencies , the rationalization of decision-making and planning processes or the role of ‘ mandarins ’ in the policy process ( Diamant 1981 ) .
16 An example of how they were ideologically disconnected is the photo archive , which at Forster 's instruction was reorganised so that it was no longer under names of artists , obviously the most useful approach for museum curators .
17 That dispersal agents can travel further than the pollinators can be attracted is the explanation for the Ficus pubinervis population of Krakatau , where it is a canopy dominant , never setting ripe fruits .
18 It too uses a partly graphical presentation of results after the analysis is complete , and while it still references factors such as average sentence and word length , also included is the proportion of certain types of word such as personal pronouns .
19 What is conjured is the apparition of someone falling apart before your eyes .
20 Not forgotten is the possibility that some mergers do not in the event prove successful so that expansion rapidly becomes contraction .
21 One thing never to be forgotten is the way social class interacts with gender , and makes for different interpretations in different school milieux .
22 What seems to have been forgotten is the role played by my relation , Meg Meade-Fetherstonhaugh in bringing this Sleeping Beauty to life for our generation to enjoy until its tragic destruction .
23 When articulated in this way the Wilsonian social contract appears very close to what Sir Ian Gilmour ( 1978 ) has claimed is the essence of true and wise Toryism : the avoidance of ‘ dogma ’ ; the balancing of opposed social forces ; the concession of reform where reform is due in order to hold together a ‘ national ’ constituency ( despite the fact that Gilmour viewed the 1974/75 legislative programme as a dangerous concession to sectional union interests and a threat to the constitution — true Toryism is only recognised as such well after the event ! ) .
24 From the entrance to the church the fresco makes the flat wall behind the altar look like an apse , and only when the wall is approached is the illusion of curvature broken .
25 Newly added is the software conversion utility to the Unix world .
26 What has been added is the heading ’ Ministry of Agriculture ’ .
27 Another item added is the duration of one dose , very useful to avoid over treatment .
28 Depicted is the sequence of both oligonucleotides with the methylated residues printed in bold letters .
29 To mimic the environment from which the fish have originated is the object of Aquarium or Pond keeping , as obviously the best conditions for any fish are those that are as close to what they ‘ call home ’ as possible .
30 If the target lies within half the weapon 's range ( ie , 12″ ) the number rolled is the number of hits scored on the target .
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