Example sentences of "[vb pp] [be] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Almost all grants received are regarded for tax purposes as reducing expenses incurred , or reducing the cost of the development in question for the purposes of calculating capital allowances .
2 Similarly , letters received are filed for the same purpose .
3 Berry , from Bramerton , Norfolk , was originally convicted in 1983 of making electronic timers for detonating bombs which it was claimed were intended for use in Syria and the Lebanon .
4 The New Mills public library from which the Mackie collection was discarded was paid for by Carnegie .
5 With a score-keeping facility a tutor can monitor the performance of a student as the responses made are recorded for later reference .
6 Against this background Robert Fleck left East Anglia on a family holiday to Yugoslavia , resigned to fact that he had narrowly missed being selected for the Scotland World Cup squad at Italia ‘ 90 .
7 Although some of the animals stolen in the Northern Band were sold for agricultural use , especially in Chilaw and the Western Province , a high proportion of those not ransomed were sold for beef in the Roman Catholic villages on the littoral , and more importantly , in Colombo .
8 Approaching the fabliaux with a mind prepared to find moral instruction in the texts , however unpromising they might superficially seem to be for such interpretation , is something that we can reconstruct as an authentic medieval mode of reading — " " All that is written is written for our doctrine " " as St Paul has it — although there is little direct evidence for the application of such literary theory to vernacular literature as well as the classics before the fourteenth century , and even then the extent of such application is difficult to assess .
9 ‘ What was done was done for Ireland , ’ said Dierdriu .
10 By not giving this to Athena , the Athenians were tactfully declining to cream off the best for the national goddess , thereby showing that all tribute that was collected was needed for utilitarian purposes .
11 As she strolled past the shop windows she ran her fingers through the short layered style that the hairdresser had said was made for her , and felt like someone else .
12 One patient ( man aged 69 ) in whom H pylori had successfully been eradicated was recalled for further study .
13 It is perfectly conceivable that we can make some general statements about the conditions that influence our self-indulgence or self-restraint in relation to rules laid down and enforced by the state , particularly when the nature of those rules and the way they are enforced are included for consideration .
14 Although additional variable positions ( 47 ) are present , the positions shown are fixed for all members of each subgroup ( so they are diagnostic ) ; position number is based on E. coli numbering .
15 This means that more land than needed is planned for .
16 However only about one in ten offered is selected for the rigorous 12 week-long initial training course .
17 The methane gas produced is used for heating and generating power for the farm buildings .
18 Some 21 per cent of all flows into unemployment by men who had previously been employed were accounted for in this way , slightly more than were accounted for by redundancy ( 20 per cent ) or dissatisfaction with pay or conditions ( 19 per cent ) and considerably more than were accounted for by dismissals ( 10 per cent ) ( Wood , 1982 ) .
19 It is thought that the original machine on which this scheme is based was used for air racing in 1947 .
20 Almost all cars that are stolen are reported for the simple reason that that is the only way owners will get insurance compensation ; and insurance is often a major reason for reporting other thefts and burglary .
21 Viscosity varies greatly with temperature and the table of timings provided is calculated for analysis at the standardized temperature of 20°C .
22 To assume it is known is accepted for illustration , but this does not push analysis very far .
23 The total supply of money in circulation can not , however , be measured , because although the value of coins struck is known for individual years , there is no satisfactory way of estimating how long they remained in circulation .
24 Only that which has been officially authorised is permitted for use in services .
25 One site with which the author was involved was delayed for two years , with constant revision to the proposed design .
26 The Revenue will regard the above requirements as satisfied by such notices , provided that the information required to be specified is given for each pair of claimant and surrendering companies , and a declaration is made on behalf of each claimant company .
27 No free samples are accepted by staff and products to be tested are paid for anonymously .
28 None of the propositions tendered are accepted for the reasons given above and in the Regional Council 's Written Submission .
29 A second visit to provide expert advice on the running of a laboratory in which mineral exploration samples are analysed is planned for May 1991 .
30 Since April 1989 all firms " competitive on foreign markets " could apply to register for independent foreign trading rights , although a ceiling of 6,000 companies actually registered was set for 1989 .
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