Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think we have given rather a gloomy vision of what being a parent is
2 Yet mercenaries seem still to have formed only a small part of the German army ; the fief-rente was almost exclusively used to supply garrisons for castles and fortified towns ; and as the Church and its ministeriales became a less reliable source of troops , the twelfth-century emperors resorted to the practice of strengthening feudal bonds and building up the resources of their own domains .
3 Associated American Artists has gathered together a representative group of this work in a show called ‘ Rufino Tamayo — seventeen years at the Mixografia workshop ’ .
4 Diana had gathered together a small staff who were learning the ropes as fast as she was .
5 If the ferret has fallen down a vertical hole within the burrow the line ferret , on approaching , may not necessarily do the same thing .
6 The defendant can already count himself lucky to have received only a two-year sentence , having regard to the amount involved and to the position of trust which he held .
7 Thus far , Kirov had received only a vague brief about his current project .
8 J. Sainsbury , Britain 's biggest food retailer argues that discount shops have received only a temporary boost from the recession .
9 The Committee on Safety of Medicines ( personal communication ) has received only a single report of visual disorder associated with chlorambucil — namely , corneal opacity — and the manufacturers ( Wellcome ) have only a single report of optic neuritis , occurring on day 1 of chlorambucil treatment and not resolving on withdrawal .
10 Rico Gopul , a staff nurse in the villa at the time of the alleged incidents , told the tribunal he had been accused of the same offences as Mr Reid but had received only a written warning .
11 The listener was given only a limited picture of life outside the capital and one which was seen through urban eyes .
12 ‘ It is difficult for me to find the limits of the car yet because I am given only a limited number of laps and I do n't know the circuit . ’
13 Dadda he had told , though even to him he had given only a vague location , but he had n't said a word to his grandmother and he was sure Peter would n't have told Uncle Leonard and Auntie Midge .
14 Government proposals to solve the unrelieved surplus advance corporation tax problem suffered by companies with overseas operations were given only a guarded welcome .
15 It will be in everyone 's interest that the precise arrangements are specified , eg whether the partnership has a tenancy or contractual licence to occupy and in consideration of what payments , or whether the property is to be enjoyed rent free , or whether the firm is given only a non-exclusive personal licence which will determine on the death or retirement of the partner who grants the same .
16 Once more , we are given only a masculine point of view .
17 If the presidency was given only a nominal role , for example , the Maronites would still hold the most honoured post in the country while more executive power could be given to the Sunni Muslim premier .
18 Each month lots were drawn for the names of the next families to leave , and the fortunate ones were given only a short time to make their final preparations .
19 Filled in a new rent rebate form .
20 When I got home I found , among the mountain of letters ( mainly telling me I had filled in a blue form when it should have been a yellow one or asking for information I had already given ) , one from the BBC asking me to get in touch with the Punters office in Bristol as soon as possible .
21 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co–operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
22 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co-operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
23 because I 've filled in a self-certified sick line ,
24 Tabitha found herself being diverted down a long underground tunnel to the civil concourse .
25 One of devices recovered after the second tip-off had been hidden only a short distance from Shell offices at Hill of Rubislaw , sealed off after the morning bomb scare .
26 In 1956 the Marlboro cigarette , formerly considered rather a ladylike thing to smoke , acquired its cowboy , with a tattoo on the back of his hand and the message : ‘ A man 's cigarette that women like too ’ .
27 By the early nineteenth century three ‘ large carrying establishments ’ had made their headquarters here , of which Sutton & Co. carried on a great trade with Hull and Gainsborough , Liverpool and Manchester , the Cheshire salt works and the Potteries , and with Birmingham , Dudley and the Black Country .
28 In the intervals between his military activities Karadjordje had carried on a successful business as a livestock trader , selling pigs across the border into Austria , and he had acquired a modest level of prosperity .
29 The coffin was carried on a horse-drawn cart because it was a long time before a motor hearse became available .
30 A vote was taken on this and was carried on a decisive majority .
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