Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Children of 4 years and upwards may be developed sufficiently for this technique to be effective .
2 It was Germany which had pressed hardest for more powers to be granted to the European Parliament at the expense of the national parliaments as the price for monetary union on German terms .
3 Weaker than the last , it holds that beliefs given us as ‘ data ’ are never fully justified merely for that reason , but that all such beliefs are already partially justified , quite apart from any further support they may receive from other beliefs .
4 In the example given below for each entry , the default settings are used when a parameter is omitted .
5 This figure is then broken down for each of the UK countries .
6 The projected future population growth rate for Wales is then broken down for each county .
7 These manuals are intended only for those people closely involved in setting up and managing a LIFESPAN system .
8 The British Standard BS 6652 for child resistance is granted to specific combinations of bottle and cap and has been given only for some makes of closures on BS 1679 bottles , which are the ones we use in this hospital .
9 Only one copy of Section 1 needs to be filled in , but ideally separate copies of Sections 2 , 3 and 4 should be filled in for each course taught in the appropriate field .
10 If Attlee had carried on for another year , and the economy had turned round , Labour might still be in power .
11 No doubt he himself would have difficulties : but he thought that the Conservatives , without entering into any general undertaking , would support his Government , which would not embark upon any extravagant legislation ; and in this way the King 's Government might be carried on for another Session or even longer .
12 Three operations did not succeed in curing his glaucoma , and he had to give up his business in 1878 , although it was carried on for some years by his daughters , Eleanor , Elizabeth , and Catherine , as E. E. Dancer & Company .
13 At the time of Leathart 's survey , Taylor 's Level had been carried on for some 210 fathoms , and was then about 35 fathoms short of being below the deepening sump in the floor of Fleming 's .
14 Inspection has come in for much discussion today as a major part of the Bill .
15 ‘ Unless your estimable uncle had expensive amusements , Master Hussey , you must surely have come in for this very money along with the rest . ’
16 Bernstein 's work has come in for some strong criticism recently .
17 The various caveats expressed in 6.8.4 on the use of statistical techniques by sociolinguists are not as negative as they might seem , since recently the overuse of significance testing in social science research generally has come in for some criticism .
18 However , the NRA has come in for some criticism for not taking action .
19 He and I do not perhaps instantly fit into the standard parliamentary stereotypes of the steady old stallion and the keen young foal who are usually harnessed together for this occasion .
20 This kind of arrangement may be possible in the more flexible reports of major excavations now being planned , and will be a great advance on the old-fashioned set-piece type of report which seems to be designed only for those wanting to study particular types of artefact , rather than the history and significance of the site itself .
21 Twenty first , so if we got you booked in for that .
22 The instructions therein were religiously followed and within a few weeks a recognisable fuselage could be sat in for some ‘ hangar flying ’ .
23 An important step was to show that if the semiconductor is cooled sufficiently for all the electrons to be in the lowest permitted energy states , then the mobile electrons in the inversion layer can move only in two dimensions .
24 When a basalt flow has cooled sufficiently for some sort of crust to form , one of two possible things can happen .
25 It would be reasonable to suppose that at this latitude the islands would be frozen in for most — if not all — of the year , and so they would , were it not for the Gulf Stream .
26 Rather , it is due to a complex interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors , which are not unique to the tropics and which have to be resolved individually for any particular forest . ’
27 They will be designed not for any particular proportion of the ability range but for all candidates whatever their ability relative to other candidates who are able to reach the standards required for the award of particular grades in each subject .
28 In 1991 the previous year 's ceiling of 23.65 million b/d was rolled over for another year , but no country quotas were set .
29 Each pattern 's weight W is added once for each occurrence of the pattern P on the board .
30 However , it might be that , at first , such tests should be set only in those subjects which constitute the ‘ core curriculum ’ to be instituted nationally for all schools .
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