Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Over 4500km of roads , four towns , an airport , railway , a port , schools and hospitals were built , the pulp mill came from Japan and was floated thence up the Amazon .
2 Some people find it easiest to put the seeds in the palm of their cupped hand whilst gently tapping with the other hand so that the seeds are rolled slowly down the groove formed on the palm .
3 He is carried slowly down the centre aisle upon a cushioned palanquin , borne upon the naked shoulders of four local May Queens .
4 This makes it very difficult for the mains to be contaminated by dirty water ( from a bath , say ) being sucked back up the mains — a phenomenon known as back siphonage .
5 Liturgical song does matter and has done so down the centuries since the early days of the Church .
6 The mix is pumped gently down the inner tube , out through the bottom and up the outer tube .
7 Don Peters had failed in his UK assignment and had effectively blown his chances of being moved further up the corporate ladder to a Vice Presidency and , maybe , to the Presidency itself .
8 Unlike Ted , he had risen rapidly up the ranks , was voted Rookie of the Year in 1987 , made it into the Top 16 at the end of '88 , and was tipped to become a challenger for the world title .
9 Flint walls , often up to three feet thick , were usually built straight on the ground without foundations , with a central hearth , the fire either laid on the earth floor or , if better off , a large stone slab .
10 In reforming Brown , Mr Magaziner pioneered a number of techniques seen later on the task force : studying the problem exhaustively ( his report on the curriculum was 425 pages long ) ; building a consensus ( he organised fashionable dances , admitting only those who had helped with the report ) ; coming up with breathtakingly bold proposals ; and hinting that dire consequences might follow if the establishment resisted his ideas .
11 Miss Logan was slightly alarmed by the sudden presence of this group of nomads , whose flock could be seen lower down the slope , but Miss Fergusson directed her horse straight towards them .
12 If your hands and arms are n't strong , it would be a good idea to start with your hand positioned well down the grip of the club so that you are able to retain the necessary angle throughout the movement .
13 He fired again , and felt the lesser kick which told him the ball had only lodged half-way down the barrel .
14 they 've done well out the insurance !
15 Despite Thursday 's show of petulance at Old Trafford when he kicked over a couple of stumps and a comparative lack of first-class wickets this season , Foster has moved steadily up the fast bowling pecking order .
16 Despite Thursday 's show of petulance at Old Trafford and a comparative lack of first-class wickets this season , Foster has moved steadily up the fast bowling pecking order .
17 Trefor 's exercise , for picking and co-ordination , is based on a major seventh chord shape *INSERT CHORD BOX * moved chromatically up the fingerboard .
18 ‘ Look at the intensity of the preparations for major matches , ’ he says , ‘ The expenses could not be met without sponsorship but it is also good to see this kind of money being used right down the line .
19 Later I found out that a standby wife had got halfway down the aisle before turning back , remorseful at abandoning her husband , leaving one empty seat — my seat , I brooded , as I waited for the next flight . )
20 No details of attribute unc have been specified , so it could be considered as an external influence on the assembly , termed " car sub-space " , and thus be reflected further up the system .
21 At all of these stations separate third-class waiting-rooms were supplied further down the tracks .
22 The smoke should be drawn cleanly up the flue .
23 But much of it is reflected back off the Earth 's surface — at a different wavelength — not as short wave , but as long wave radiation .
24 Sampson feels ‘ a very great aversion ’ to Slinkton as soon as he sees him : ‘ His hair , which was elaborately brushed and oiled , was parted straight up the middle ; and he presented this parting to the clerk , exactly … as if he had said , in so many words : ‘ You must take me , if you please , my friend , just as I show myself .
25 Then , with two Arabs pushing him and two pulling , he was bundled slowly up the high stones of the Pyramid to the summit .
26 His powerful trunk and huge belly filled the chair and the yellow cattleman 's boots were laced halfway up the stout legs .
27 It was a brown derby , worn straight on the head without an air .
28 She has discovered that a boundary line for consumption of non-staple household goods existed even across the bequeathing classes , and has cautioned against accepting much contemporary opinion that the " luxury " market had reached well down the social scale .
29 This is the only way to account for the difference between the second tournament , in which Tit for Two Tats was ranked well down the list , and the first tournament , which Tit for Two Tats would have won .
30 Nevertheless , from what we do know , there can be no doubt that the children 's world of the eighteenth century — at least for those born higher up the social scale than the labouring poor — changed dramatically .
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