Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] what " in BNC.

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1 and all I 'm gon na say , I 'm not gon na ask you to say well I might , I might , I might you need to have sorted out exactly what you 're doing in there whilst you give
2 THE Chancellor mapped out yesterday what he hopes is Britain 's road to recovery , but signalled a rough ride ahead for five million of the lowest paid workers .
3 Seldom can a Committee of Inquiry have been told more firmly what they had to do , and what they might not do .
4 Because until G C S E you are fed , the school is fed , in that you are told fairly quickly what you have to do and although I know that a number of you spends the right amount of time or a lot of time on homework , you are told usually , er you have erm a night or two nights in which to do this particular piece of work now once you get into the sixth form
5 Probable misconceptions about a consultant supporter 's role have to be handled , credibility and relevance of one 's own experience need to be established in a non-assertive but authoritative way ; appreciation of the teachers ' professional expertise needs to be conveyed , together with an awareness of the difficulties that can prevent them from exercising it to its fullest extent ; and it needs to be spelt out clearly what such a group would be able to offer and what , together , one may reasonably hope to achieve — one must not raise hopes of cures for all ills .
6 I think the only comment I would have on there is we spelt out specifically what we thought the project manager should be responsible for in the actual remit stages itself .
7 Can we be told please exactly what the er , balancing hand of carry forwards shown on the right estimates , the twenty three thousand consists of ?
8 If no repositories of 12 C have been overlooked then approximately what fraction of the atoms of the whole Earth are 12 C ?
9 ‘ Yeah , ’ she drawled , ‘ but I 'm sized about twice what these local women are . ’
10 The correct approach was to ascertain whether the person who had given the land had pointed out clearly what he intended to be done with it .
11 The serious point I 'm making is that , too often , in schools , the kind of questions are focused on just what is least interesting , not the , people 's attitude to witches , or to their bodies , or their attitudes to women , to children , all these things which are now considered part of the historian 's province , but instead we get saddled with the Treaty of Uncia Scolesi and the Repeal of the Corn Laws , and this is worrying .
12 He had known right away what had happened .
13 Never in my life , he wrote , have I known so exactly what step to take after the step I am in the process of taking , and then what step to take after the step I will take after the step I am in the process of taking .
14 She 'd known perfectly well what he meant .
15 If I had killed myself , I should have known perfectly well what I was doing .
16 I have n't found out yet what they got up to in their opium den with Coleridge and de Quincey .
17 If you have n't done this , if you have n't found out exactly what people need to know , the danger is that when you actually start to put together some material it 's very hit or miss is n't it ?
18 For Paul Arkwright , recipient of honorary degrees , had known very well what it was like to be a student , and poor .
19 But they tell me now that it 's been increased immensely now what they get for being an oven man .
20 Yeah so that all compiled up so what some bits do n't work ?
21 The syllabuses for GCE and CSE always prescribed quite clearly what was to be taught to pupils from the age of fourteen upwards .
22 See a all all I 've done is put down here what what you 've paid in my book .
23 Ring up and ask , though it 's best to wait a few days until tutors have worked out exactly what position their courses are in .
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