Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I think she must have been quite well off some time , had fallen on really hard times .
2 The soloists are placed rather too close in relation to the rest , which does not help , and more seriously the central Andantino is too romantic in style .
3 Hymes intends that these contextual features should be regarded rather as general phonetic features are regarded .
4 That 's particularly important in systems like ours , where you can divert your telephone , so even though you 're certain that you dialled the right number , you could end up absolutely anywhere , because the number you dialled could be diverted somewhere completely different , so it 's very important when you answer the telephone to say who you are .
5 Do you know we had bales of , bales of til tins all pressed together as big as that machine , yeah and they 'd dump into the ship and they used to have magnets , put 'em into a net and these er bales of tins , any old tins , they used to find , used to go in there , we used to tip 'em , we used to tip them into the hold they cut the ship right up and that that 's what we 're getting back in motor cars now .
6 Excusably perhaps , neither Edmund Wilson nor any one else could understand , or could credit , the scale on which Pound was working : 120 cantos , and by the time Pound died in 1972 , the poem had fallen only just short of that .
7 People who contact ACE for information about services — older people , relatives , carers , potential volunteers , students , researchers , reporters , Age Concern groups , other organisations , and many more — will be given much more accurate and appropriate details .
8 These two easily ( or too easily ) targeted objectives of personality and performance are given much more extensive treatment than the more politically contentious issues of professional status and recognition , and the basic conditions of teachers ' work .
9 Although methadone can be given in police custody only under supervision , its advantage is that it needs to be given only once daily .
10 The least coverage has been in the realm of news and current affairs , where until the recent AIDS and Clause 28 reportage gay stories have been given only very occasional attention .
11 So why has the performance of manufacturing industry fallen so dangerously low ?
12 It is a refreshing change when cars are in fact parked in a separate , but linked area allowing the front garden to be developed along slightly different lines .
13 A key to this combination is the unique association of emotionality with a social intelligence which has developed along somewhat different lines in man .
14 It was considered rather more fashionable than Vauxhall Gardens , but its popularity did not last as long .
15 A professional designer , Jean Bayle , with a track record for breathing new life into tired titles , was hired but the changes he favoured were deemed rather too radical and , in the end — as is often the case on Le Monde where the staff hold a significant stake in the company — the consensus view prevailed .
16 Acute conditions usually resolved successfully under homoeopathic treatment .
17 Well , after all the fuss , life carried on as normal in Perth .
18 In 1952 A. R. Conan wrote : ‘ When all factors are taken into account , there seems some evidence to support the view that the balance of payments of the U.K. after the war might be considered fundamentally more satisfactory than in 1939 . ’
19 And as a result of that David Phillips who as I was saying in the first half has proved himself to be a very valuable all-rounder already to Forest has slotted back in at centre back again and that Garry Crosby has come on as substitute and taken up his usual position and Phillips ' first half position on the right wing .
20 In today 's ‘ Get Ahead ’ publishing world , it is considered vastly more glamorous to be a marketing man than an author .
21 To use genetic engineering techniques to produce paclitaxel , the genes for each of these enzymes would be needed and this is considered much too complex .
22 In this milieu , academic achievement by girls was considered much less important than the development of the quality called ‘ character' , which meant the potential to become decent , responsible officers ' wives , pillars of whatever community into which their marriages would take them , pleasant to look at but not disruptively decorative .
23 Many Sinhalese viewed flogging as suitable for low-caste persons ; it was considered much more demeaning if administered to a man of high caste .
24 J. G. Frazer further suggests that the story of Jacob 's dream ( which was deemed so extremely significant that the spot on which it took place was henceforth sanctified in the Jewish religion ) " was probably told to explain the immemorial sanctity of Bethel , which may well have been revered by the aboriginal inhabitants of Canaan long before the Hebrews invaded and conquered the land " .
25 THE Darlington area has 2,000 ‘ orange badge ’ holders , reveals Durham County Council drivers considered sufficiently seriously disabled to warrant special parking exemptions .
26 The industrial scene thus looked much more alarming in the early months of 1 978 .
27 After the break , United looked much more positive — but just could n't find their range .
28 Katherine had looked so achingly beautiful when Mathilde had talked about it .
29 We have considered so far daily rhythms in healthy adults .
30 It has attracted not only widespread condemnation but a fair amount of sociological analysis as well with the result that there is a lively debate taking place about its origins and nature .
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