Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] even [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The historian was at his best , he maintained , not as an analyst but as ‘ a craftsman of synthesis , a weaver of other men 's threads ( and some of his own ) into patterns which they had not foreseen or even suspected ’ ; and he was forthright in claiming , at a time when it was not fashionable , that the contemporary historian was just as capable of such synthesis as historians of earlier centuries .
2 Not without opposition from other sections of the bureaucracy especially those.in Finance ministries , MITI argued that long-term self-reliance for Japan would be delayed or even undermined by following its apparent comparative advantage into labour intensive sectors .
3 Again , because treasures served to denote prominent persons , they are most likely to be listed or even described in written records , as well as featuring in works of art .
4 This trend was then halted or even reversed thereafter as large companies especially in manufacturing transferred their excess labour into smaller subcontractors or satellite companies .
5 The appearance in the Tripoli courtroom of the two suspects , Abdel Baset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , disproved persistent US suggestions that they had been hidden or even executed by the Libyan authorities .
6 You may find that your weight has fluctuated or even gone up .
7 At the other extreme — where mineral working would involve ‘ too great injury to the comfort and living conditions of the people in the area or to amenities generally ’ — mineral working can be limited or even prevented .
8 ‘ The freedom to travel independently is taken for granted by most of us and only assumes its real importance when it is limited or even removed , ’ said a spokesman .
9 Some degeneration can be treated or even reversed and doctors and researchers in our hospitals have made great strides forward .
10 That alone makes the patterns in social relations more complicated , but in addition we must analyse processes of change to judge how far the character of these structures is being modified or even transformed .
11 Problems are individualized or even suppressed rather than openly explored with all the possible difficulties that this entails .
12 Not to be trusted or even understood but to be treated with caution and sometimes indulged .
13 He may find the home which he has regarded as his Englishman 's castle invaded , occupied or even demolished about his ears .
14 Some bodies would be downgraded or even abolished , and personnel levels would be cut , from 3,500 to 2,500 .
15 Rates can be queried and even contested through a rate tribunal .
16 Their failures can all too readily be excused and even hidden by further infusions of state funds .
17 How many courses or conferences have you attended or even seen advertised that mention children in their titles ?
18 The rule of law , in short , could be threatened or even dispensed with by parliamentary enactment .
19 She reckons that more than 70% of schoolgirls are subjected to some form of sexual harassment by their male teachers , and that a significant number are physically exploited or even raped .
20 A few inches either way and police officers could have been seriously injured or even killed .
21 Here he will have to serve a form of apprenticeship before he is accepted or even noticed .
22 That challenges have been made to the liberal humanist tradition by Marxists , structuralists , deconstructionists , feminists and others is not , however , to say that these challenges are widely accepted or even taught .
23 The illness can be so obsessive , it becomes fearfully boring — in the correct sense of both words — and its effect on loved ones can be missed or even forgotten .
24 In the twentieth century they were succeeded by men like A. S. Peake ( Primitive Methodist ) , C. H. Dodd ( Congregationalist ) , H. Wheeler Robinson ( Baptist ) and P. T. Forsyth ( Congregationalist ) whose work was similar to Barth 's and whose ‘ true spiritual stature was not seen or even glimpsed ’ until after the Second World War .
25 I really wanted to be close to the sea again , which I had not seen or even smelt for so long .
26 Time and again a landowner , the man who actually has the most to lose since it is his land , is willing to donate corners of his fields for ponds or tree planting , as his contribution to the environmental compromise of a land-drainage scheme ; but then a letter from his agent arrives , demanding that these corners be heavily compensated or even bought by the water authority , as payment for the concessions made .
27 The second : no one really works but the targets are always met or even exceeded .
28 I have never met or even seen a member of the Royal Family .
29 The way she looked at them was odd , because there was no story here as yet , no drama whose next development or twist of plot or big scene we were all awaiting ; remember , they had not yet met or even looked at each other .
30 In short , theology is no longer simply taken for granted or even accepted by society at large .
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