Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Two patients in each treatment arm refused to accept the treatment assigned or participate in the research study or both .
2 The acquirer will want to be sure that grants will not be withdrawn or have to be repaid .
3 These principles should n't be forgotten or cease to be put into effect simply because your child is becoming a young adult .
4 If doctors fail to do something the Bill lays down , the could be fined or go to prison for six months .
5 THE NORTH WEST of Ireland Railway Society has reported that work on carriage underframe No. 30 is well in hand with new extension pieces in place , rust cleaned away and treated against further deterioration , ready for painting .
6 And he had impressed that print with careful precision — he or whoever it was .
7 Davey Philips of Clan Skates : ‘ You can totally scam it or you can be committed and go for it .
8 We are committed and open to each other in a way which brings us under the influence of the other 's ethics and direction in life .
9 Swiftly eggs and milt are shed and sink beneath the gravel grains .
10 With no waste of time all the equipment was installed and set to work .
11 Members were told the weighbridge had already been installed and work on some of the other projects had also begun .
12 Jean Jelbart stood smiling just behind him , her golden-brown hair freshly curled and set for Christmas , and Belinda greeted her warmly as well .
13 ‘ It will focus on areas which are currently under-used and look at development opportunities and guidelines , ’ conservation officer Tom Walker said .
14 The annual Finance Bill could then be greatly simplified and concentrate on changes to the rates of the main tax levies .
15 ‘ You 'd better come and listen to what I have to say .
16 He 's going to be a sergeant in five years , and inspector in seven , chief inspector in eight years — you 'd better come and talk to him . ’
17 The findings to be considered here ( and the broader body of research of which they are typical ) suggest that the link between education and occupation is much more tenuous than is often supposed and call into question many of the assumptions currently held about employers ’ attitudes to young workers and to educational standards .
18 ‘ They live dangerously and some get caught and die by the law .
19 Erm the greenbelt objectives which we identify with or could be compromised by significant peripheral expansion , or the expansion of a settlement within the greenbelt , were primarily the effecting the setting of the historic city , which we and the County considered and refer to more than just the green wedges , and but involve the whole countryside , and the setting of the settlements within the greenbelt around the Greater York area , expansion of lar large urban areas into the countryside , possible coalescence of settlements .
20 So it 's taken an hour just to drop her off , Get parked and get in here .
21 Use the special ready-mixed adhesive recommended and hang by butting up one tile to the next .
22 They are privately owned and have to be licensed each year by the Borough Council .
23 If a personal creditor of the heir has been sent into possession in order to protect his property , and has obtained an object left under trust to me , it is agreed that I ought not to be prejudiced by him in any way ; no more than if he had received that object as a pledge from the heir himself .
24 Not much , but one should bear in mind the experience of the early 1980s : in the first 12 months of that recovery , the initial statistics showed that GDP had risen by only 0.6% ; the number-crunchers later revised that rise to 1.8% .
25 A large part of the dominant society at the time really believed that such subjects , and suggestions were more a figment of my neurosis and my hang-ups but time has proven that view to be untrue .
26 Before any ‘ factual claim about the world ’ becomes publicly available , someone — some person — must have formulated that claim into a meaningful statement .
27 Had he intended that remark to be offensive ?
28 USL has now amended that suit against BSDI to include additional charges of copyright infringement , trade secret violations and inducing breach of contract .
29 My God , I 've heard that slap in my head ever since .
30 As the guidance points out , ‘ there are occasions where objectivity may be threatened or appear to be threatened by the provision to an audit client of services other than the audit ’ .
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