Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The white clay is formed where some granite masses have been changed chemically .
2 You could choose to portray the positive achievements we 've witnessed or some aspect of that .
3 The whole balance of the bird population altered where these changes were going on in the landscape .
4 Allowances that are given , based on an intention to bring the building into use by 31 December 1994 , will be withdrawn where this condition is not , in the event , met .
5 In every one of the cases to which your Lordships have been referred where such dicta appear , the source from which the evidence sought to be excluded had been obtained has been the defendant himself or ( in some of the search cases ) premises occupied by him ; and the dicta can be traced to a common ancestor in Lord Goddard 's statement in Kuruma v. The Queen [ 1955 ] A.C. 197 which I have already cited .
6 After that the bottle will undoubtedly have broken or some fool will have accidentally released the spirit .
7 After a storm they were washed back in dozens , but most of them were broken or half ground to powder .
8 Major vegetation types are described , as are the nature reserves , and the place is given where each photo was taken .
9 After three years ' work he submitted a draft only to have it irrevocably vetoed without any intelligible reasons given or any consideration of amendment .
10 In Table 8.1 information on sample size , chronological age , sample frame and exclusions is included where these factors are described in the test manual or other publications .
11 The drugs prescribed to relieve an attack force the respiratory passages to allow air in and out , but until the conflict about feelings is resolved or another outlet found , attacks will recur .
12 They get damaged , especially in the middle of the bed and some even get slightly torn where each needle sits .
13 The operating instructions/task description can be modified if the analysis reveals any problems from the operator 's point of view ; anything which the designer may have omitted or any difficulties the operator has in moving around , manipulating controls or checking information presentations .
14 Even in such cases references in court to Parliamentary material should only be permitted where such material clearly discloses the mischief aimed at or the legislative intention lying behind the ambiguous or obscure words .
15 There was , according to Lord Donaldson MR " no suggestion that the room was put in proper order , the locks repaired or any offer made to Miss Tagro to allow her to resume occupation in any realistic sense of the word " ( 241 ) .
16 Nevertheless his choreographic plan is so designed that each movement of every dancer , whether as an individual or part of the group , is co-ordinated with the others so that it fits correctly into the overall pattern and within the space allotted by stage , wings and backcloth which — in Symphonic Variations — delicately echoes the curving lines or the dance .
17 At the new Grand Central in New York there was a separate waiting-room for gangs of labourers and immigrants , with its own attendants , so designed that these groups need not encounter other passengers .
18 I caught the sense of victory in seeing the film of Henry V — just as I had supposed that all schools were like that of Goodbye Mr Chips , which I was taken to see in 1939 .
19 Given the terms of reference , those who signed the majority Report might well have supposed that that part of the argument had been decided .
20 Moreover , while ‘ ideology ’ retains , from the weight of linguistic usage , the sense of organized beliefs ( whether formal and conscious or pervasive and dissolved ) , it can often be supposed that such systems are the true origin of all cultural ( and indeed other social ) production .
21 It can not be supposed that this regulation meant that , in each case , the minister in person should direct his mind to the matter .
22 To be plain , I 'm a bit exhausted , secretly , about the intellectual advantages that are supposed ( by intellectuals ) to accrue from being physically underendowed or peculiar-looking , though it 's possible to keep up the front in public and many a gulled beloved has supposed that this joke of a frame is where my energy comes from .
23 Other awards were also won that same year , the most significant being a Design Council Award presented by the Duke of Edinburgh .
24 Here it was stressed that many streets and squares will in the future look very different from today , with each being treated individually , selecting an approach from a multitude of possibilities ( Figure 5.4 ) .
25 BELOW Building on such skeletons , artists can come up with impressions of what dinosaurs like Triceratops looked like , but it should be stressed that such images are no more than guesses .
26 However , we have also stressed that any decline in reading standards in the inner city must be set firmly within the context of the political and economic circumstances which lead to poverty and social dislocation .
27 This is because their world knowledge tells them that the banks found near rivers are not usually of the financial type ( although it must be stressed that this interpretation is not wrong , it is just less likely ) .
28 It must be stressed that this equilibrium involves no excess demand or supply of any investment asset .
29 It has to be stressed that this method of connection is only acceptable if the mains transformer is a type which has accurately matched secondary windings which are intended for use in this way .
30 Crude analysis — The crude percentage of patients whose ulcers had relapsed was also calculated to allow a comparison with some previously published trials , although it sould be stressed that this method underestimates the true relapse time .
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