Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Fertilisers , manure and slurry not permitted except for trees or non-food uses .
2 It was claimed that among subjects with a normal ( non-inverted ) writing posture , language and spatial functions were lateralised to the contralateral and ipsilateral hemispheres respectively .
3 He has variously claimed that from farts he can tell not only what people have eaten or drunk , but also the sort of person they are , what they ought to eat , whether they are emotionally unstable or upset , whether they are keeping secrets , laughing at you behind your back or trying to ingratiate themselves with you , and even what they are thinking about at the precise moment they issue the fart ( this largely from the sound ) .
4 Here it is reported that in cities whole neighbourhoods illegally tap overhead lines , part of the reason for the fact that some 40% of gross energy output disappears and revenue always lags well behind billings .
5 It has been reported that in stages III and IV of PBC , portal hypertension if present reflects sinusoidal pressure .
6 Graham et al have reported that in patients taking NSAIDs the associated mucosal injury of erosions and intramucosal haemorrhages is more frequent in those patients not colonised with Helicobacter pylori .
7 But Jane Goodall and others have reported that among chimpanzees , the enemies of the morning will be playmates of the afternoon .
8 Rotational structure is , however , rarely resolved except for molecules with only two or three atoms .
9 A ceiling and first floor had vanished except for lines of ledges along the wall .
10 Within seconds he had been substituted and within minutes a goal almost came about at the other end .
11 I came home bruised and in tears sometimes , but I gave as good as I got .
12 With a background like that , when under threat from cancer , I too began to move my resources forward , slowly , methodically , with each move carefully considered and with reinforcements available just behind the lines .
13 Consequently secular logic views selfishness within oneself as a force to be harnessed and in others as a weakness to be exploited .
14 We were disliked because of things that had happened in the past and we did n't need any motivation when we kept hearing that sort of talk .
15 During 1991 , BTR increased its workforce from 105,000 to 140,000 but , after allowing for the 48,000 staff added because of acquisitions , there was a net reduction of 13,000 .
16 The departure of Bra Kanon , who had held the post since 1977 , had been expected because of difficulties affecting the cocoa and coffee sectors .
17 Neil Davidson , counsel for the Deans , said they denied allegations levelled at them by the shareholders , many of which can not be reported because of restrictions imposed by Lord Cullen .
18 In discussing the stages in the manufacture of the Kentish disc brooches considerable detail was omitted because of uncertainties regarding the actual methods of jewellery manufacture at the time .
19 In future weeks , the groups would sometimes be rearranged because of absences and other factors .
20 Toby had partly under-performed because of nerves and lack of examination technique .
21 Provision is also made for payment when the bonus can not be earned because of circumstances outside the workers ' control .
22 For journeys cancelled because of delays … there 'll be a refund .
23 These principles are just as important for children in schools in country areas which are not culturally mixed as for children in the inner cities .
24 Men never realised that without women there 'd be no Christmas — and probably no other festivities such as birthdays either !
25 Rather than looking abroad , smart European bankers will already have realised that with banks like Chase Manhattan and Security Pacific pulling back from Europe , some of the best corporate business will now be up for grabs in their own backyards .
26 Blake has calculated that for speeds of up to 2 ½ metres per second , it is more efficient for dolphins to swim at the surface .
27 In most animals the senses are more keenly developed than in humans .
28 In early September 1666 , the old city of London was devastated by the Great Fire , which as well as destroying thousands of secular buildings left old St Paul 's with severe structural damage , and no fewer than eighty-seven of the capital 's parish churches gutted or in ruins .
29 I have noticed that on photographs the faces of women giving birth look remarkably alike .
30 I 've noticed that in sermons of any kind it is important not to state your hand too early , or too clearly .
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