Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 LADBROKES : 6–1 Coulton , Flown & Granville Again , 9–1 Vintage Crop ( from 8–1 ) , 10–1 Oh So Risky ( from 12–1 ) , 11–1 Halkopous ( from 9–1 ) & Kribensis ( from 16–1 ) , 12–1 Ruling ( from 16–1 ) , 16–1 Valfinet & Morley Street , 25–1 bar .
2 These can be petrol stations with gas facilities added or gas only operations .
3 ( In January 1992 the USA had claimed that questions still remained about Iraq 's short- and long-range missile capabilities — see pp. 38742-43 . )
4 Another witness has claimed that Macari once told him he could break any rule that he wanted .
5 Devos might have added that Charpentier frequently reinforces his wishes at the ends of sections with verbal indications such as ‘ Passez sans interruption a la suite ’ ( ‘ Continue without interruption to the next movement ’ ) , or ‘ Suivez au Choeur sans interruption ’ ( ‘ Continue with the chorus without interruption ’ ) .
6 I might have added that Masha once told me she did n't know what women saw in her two ageing friends .
7 It should be added that Freud explicitly admitted that religious phenomena , both at the individual level and at the societal level , are overdetermined , so other factors , such as political and economic changes , could also affect people 's attitudes to religion .
8 Social security appeal tribunals are categorized as the least formal of the tribunals investigated , but it is reported that appellants nevertheless found attendance before them a nerve-wracking ordeal .
9 Opportunities are to be maximised and threats either avoided or turned into opportunities ( see Sharplin , 1985 , pp. 54 6 , 190–4. where it is referred to as WOTS-UP analysis ) .
10 Duplication will be minimized and resources more cost-effectively utilized .
11 They and the neighbours were but mildly impressed and Maria clearly disbelieving .
12 Mr Roger Calvert , an orthopaedic consultant , described the scene of devastation , with severed limbs scattered and passengers still trapped : ‘ Dispassionate is not the word one would use .
13 Laws have been made to check such deceits , but sometimes remedies have been honestly although misguidedly trusted until experience gradually showed their worthlessness .
14 It was all a spoof , but taken for real by many viewers , particularly when cameramen collapsed and scratches mysteriously appeared on a girl 's face which became covered in blood and distorted .
15 Everywhere mascara was being rolled and lipstick carefully drawn .
16 He looked devastated and Maggie instinctively touched his hard face , wanting to comfort him .
17 The association with pancreatitis has been reported but prognosis usually depends on the hepatic failure .
18 The approach may be more considered but Burns still sounds like he was force-fed Brillo Pads as a nipper .
19 The case was solved when Downey finally walked in to a police station earlier this year and confessed to the killing .
20 The case was solved when Downey finally walked into a police station earlier this year and confessed to the killing .
21 ( 1.7 ) unc The final IF law lets us deal with IF constructs which are nested as processes rather than as conditionals .
22 If , over the years , the balance of probabilities has shifted so that balances previously included as creditors now seem unlikely ever to be paid , it would be appropriate for the balances in question to be removed from creditors , with the corresponding credit in either profit and loss account or , if the sums are material and the adjustment arises from a fundamental error , the profit and loss reserves in the balance sheet .
23 This fantasy is shattered when Magwitch suddenly re-enters his life and announces himself as the mysterious benefactor .
24 Throughout the present chapter , and indeed elsewhere in this report , we have intimated that policies too must come in for scrutiny .
25 The rest of the council , whatever their reaction to the initial seizure of the prince , must have recognized that Gloucester now offered the best hope of stability in a difficult situation .
26 The rest of the council , whatever their reaction to the initial seizure of the prince , must have recognized that Gloucester now offered the best hope of stability in a difficult situation .
27 And , says The Building Research Establishment , with dust , bacteria and tobacco smoke tainting your home as well , the air inside could be 10 times more polluted than air outside — bad for the British family which spends 90% of its time indoors .
28 They may simply not yet have accepted that Gloucester now had his own ambitions beyond the preservation of his brother 's polity .
29 They may simply not yet have accepted that Gloucester now had his own ambitions beyond the preservation of his brother 's polity .
30 But now a ten-year study in the West African forest of the Ivory Coast has revealed that chimpanzees there hunt regularly and do so in teams within which there are specialised roles , habitually taken by particular individuals .
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