Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] again [conj] " in BNC.

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1 His hand had caught hers again and held it very tightly .
2 In the weeks that had passed since she had met Rupert Stonebird at the vicarage her interest in him had deepened , mainly because she had not seen him again and had therefore been able to build up a more satisfactory picture of him than if she had been able to check with reality .
3 And she could have done it again if only she 'd had the chance .
4 He had never been with a man who wanted to take him out at three in morning and stand him up against a wall in a dark street and jerk him off , not because there was nowhere else to go , but for the pleasure of doing it like that ; he had never done it again and again with one body .
5 Tesco , on the other hand , had received good service from UK-based Merton and had used them again and again .
6 ‘ But you have told me again and again not to do that . ’
7 Well yeah that 's what I , I told her you know er told her again because erm
8 ‘ I 've told her again and again to toot her horn before crossing the main corridor , ’ grumbled the Headmaster .
9 Steps 1 to 5 listed on pages 121 and 122 have helped us again and again in moving toward this aim .
10 He 'd find that Way Out , but he would n't leave until he 'd found them again and sorted them out .
11 He 'd deceived and manipulated her again and again , and she 'd fallen for it every time .
12 ‘ He has surpassed himself again and again , almost beyond belief , ’ said the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People .
13 Paisley had supported him again once he had broken with the Official Unionists .
14 Why do n't you put say another pad on top , more pressure , it 's still not working and you 've tried it again and it 's still not working
15 Ca n't say I 've learnt much although I 've started it again and again in the last two years .
16 Oh , the doctors and nurses had assured her again and again that she was fine and would soon be fit and well again .
17 There were several alterations in ink ; she 'd changed it again since he 'd last looked .
18 They 've changed it again as well , now , now instead of the er , the white ball being placed anywhere in the anywhere behind the black line at the top .
19 He had read it again and again , scores of times , since then .
20 More likely , they followed a route now reduced : like Kipling 's road through the woods , ‘ weather and rain have undone it again and now we shall never know there was once a road through the woods . ’
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