Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The crime of syphilis had made me ban sex from my mind for weeks ; now I was found not guilty half an hour with a textbook Conchis had given me to look at had convinced me his diagnosis was right — the libido rose strong .
2 Yeah but everything was queried You look at
3 Too often she had caught him looking at her breasts .
4 On the deck itself were scattered what looked like paving stones , and the leeboard winch had been somewhat garishly painted in red , white , and gold .
5 He has made me look at the world again , made me see things I had never seen before , and see familiar things in a new light .
6 Perhaps it 's that he 's made me look at myself and see that what I believe is old and stuffy .
7 At last she had made him look at her !
8 Rufus stubbed out his second cigarette , put the paper into his briefcase and slung over his shoulders the marvellous black leather coat from Beltrami he had bought in Florence , which would have made him look like a gangster if he had not been so fair and ruddy-faced and with such blue , English eyes .
9 I 've seen him looking at you … but he looks at women that way .
10 Len was different ; she had never seen him look at another girl like that .
11 Jessamy remembered all the times she had seen him look like that in the past , when he had n't wanted her to know what he was thinking or feeling .
12 Ymor had on several occasions seen him look around the room with an expression of deep satisfaction .
13 What had possessed her to look through those field-glasses ?
14 Dammit , he 'd seen her looking at him — that really rankled .
15 He 'd never seen her look like that before , and when he thought of why she looked like that he wanted to throttle her .
16 ‘ Now he has got fascinated by the paper as well , he 's made it look like a field of bridal veils , but it 's going to be difficult to keep it in place when we move it at night .
17 You 're a good enough driver to have made it look like an accident . ’
18 At last he said , ‘ You 've made it look like a rather nasty plot to achieve my own ends . ’
19 The cupola turned out to be a kind of gigantic cauldron erected high in one corner of the building where she had earlier noticed what looked like volcanic lava trickling downwards .
20 And the years when she had had no-one to look after her had been disastrous .
21 ‘ George has told me to look after my weight .
22 Maybe she 'd always had someone to look after her ; he 'd been living with darned socks and the stitch-in-time philosophy all his life , first his mother and then Margaret , who sorted her stockings out into ones she could wear to the office and ones which were only good for gardening .
23 Got you looking at the Zoo Pictures , has she ? ’
24 You get more lonely , which does n't help in here , and I mean say , I mean the view is n't very n this view is very drab , and if you 'd got something to look at it would n't would n't matter so much , but erm
25 Have they got anybody to look in there ?
26 Is your friends have they had anybody look at theirs yet ?
27 I had told him to look at a video of the race and he would see that it was through my efforts that we had won the bronze .
28 He reached for the telephone directory and looked up the number of Morley Hooper , the retired accountant whom Matthew had told him looked after Riddle 's more important business affairs .
29 ‘ I 'VE always thought he looked like a pig in a safari suit . ’
30 Yes , you 've got it looking like the yard .
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