Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] now that " in BNC.

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1 Eighteen years away from a stage , eighteen years and she 'd forgotten until now that terrifying gut-wrenching dread of stepping out in front of several hundred people and making a total fool of yourself .
2 You will have twigged by now that Schiehallion was the scene of a melodramatic incident .
3 The abrupt cessation of the draughts blowing into the room was a welcome relief , although Isabel was so chilled by now that she was conscious of no great change in the temperature .
4 The Doctor had said that he was n't human , but Francis had not comprehended until now that the mind behind the little man 's clownish , owlish face was as alien as Lacuna 's .
5 The suggestion has been made before now that it was among the Basques that this future rebel against the king of England learnt his what were , for the time , dangerously democratic principles .
6 Why had she never realised before now that Dana resented looking like her sister ?
7 He took it up and read : ‘ Many readers will probably have learned by now that I am being sued by Miss Hilary Robarts , the Acting Administrative Officer at Larksoken Power Station , for alleged libel arising from what I wrote in the May issue of the news-sheet .
8 I had learned by now that an upsurge in Mr Singh 's libido was usually brought on by some other outside circumstance .
9 The reader may have gathered by now that I place myself amongst this group .
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