Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [be] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They have secretly wished to be lovers for years but the consummation of their affair is a recent event .
2 Versatility is all very well , but we are now expected to be accountants , personnel managers and lawyers as well as dermatologists , psychiatrists , obstetricians and general physicians .
3 Candidates will normally be expected to be members of the professions allied to medicine .
4 It made clear that married women were expected to be housewives first and foremost ; and that since this did not involve any independent income , wives were to be covered by , and dependent on , their husbands ' insurance :
5 Outside the US , the UK now has the highest number of cellular subscribers anywhere in the world , and by the year 2000 as many as 20% of the UK population are expected to be users .
6 This was a period of rapid development in the technology and tactics of warfare ; gone were the Frankish troops of the time of Charlemagne , who were expected to be riders , foot soldiers , swordsmen , spearsmen and archers all at once .
7 Pilots were expected to be jacks of all trades .
8 A high proportion of them will be synonyms — if the file is 85 per cent packed , for example , 17 in every 20 would be expected to be synonyms — and this will lead to rapid deterioration of the file access speed .
9 The Burrows children were expected to be examples to the other youngsters in the corps , and had to sit in the front seats of any hall they attended , where Captain Burrows could keep his eagle eye on them .
10 Therefore , it is clear that there may be expected to be remains of comparable marine terraces at any level between that terrace and present sea level .
11 It was expected to be months before a government could be formed .
12 In primary schools , class teachers are expected to be polymaths and to devote 10 per cent of their time ( if they obey the official guidelines ) to teaching a detailed programme of religious and moral education .
13 Times were changing ; the popes had abolished the use of chrism in the imperial anointing , had denied the authority of kings over priests ; the time would shortly come when the popes themselves claimed to be vicars of Christ , and interpreted the phrase to mean that in the last analysis all earthly authority was mediated through them , not through kings .
14 A secretly-filmed video details what are claimed to be breaches of regulations meant to protect animals .
15 Two days later , fifteen MPs were nominated to be members of the Committee .
16 ‘ Matters of concern would have included the extent to which United Kingdom residents were investors in the Jersey funds , how they had come to be investors in those funds , how those funds were managed , whether they were kept separate from the United Kingdom funds or whether there was intermingling [ the switching of money between UK and offshore funds ] … and , ultimately , whether the Jersey funds as well as the United Kingdom funds could be properly accounted for . ’
17 Rose and Mary were for once showing a united front and refused to leave the kitchen because they did n't quite like the way the young women from the town who had come to be waitresses were poking and prying into their cupboards with their noses in the air .
18 All these assumptions and practical problems concerning the breath H 2 test have been discussed in detail by Bond and Levitt and Levitt et al who suggest that ‘ quantitative data of the breath H 2 test should be considered to be estimates of malabsorption of fermented material rather than precise quantitative measurements of polysaccharide malabsorption ’ .
19 Thus both H pylori infection and acid induced gastric metaplasia are considered to be prerequisites for the development of duodenitis with polymorphonuclear activity and duodenal ulcer .
20 Such a border can be at least as ornamental as the conventional one , given the range of plants which are now considered to be herbs , and it is much more likely to be the haunt of bees and butterflies , as well as being more aromatic and fragrant .
21 British companies , which are now considered to be leaders in the value-added sector , come to the show to expose their products and learn about this dynamic market .
22 Secondly , all the groups who are considered to be priorities by both the Government and the Opposition — low-income pensioners , low-income families and disabled people — have benefited significantly from what the Government have done in recent years .
23 These high-yield debt securities are considered to be instruments of the devil .
24 If I add that the majority of Cubists were formerly considered to be Fauves , I can demonstrate how far these young artists have come in a short time and the logic of their vision .
25 Also , CD68 + smaller round cells considered to be monocytes often developed intravascularly in ileal lamina propria and lymph node pulpa as well as in marginal sinuses .
26 Thirdly , while members of the same family are held to share identical degrees of status , privilege , power and wealth , simply by virtue of their common membership of this unit , differences of role , position and status within the family are not themselves considered to be criteria of stratification .
27 Draft MPG6 makes it clear that coastal super quarries are considered to be sites which produce at least 5 million tonnes per annum with reserves of at least 150 mt .
28 Draft MPG6 makes it clear that coastal super quarries are considered to be sites which produce at least 5 million tonnes per annum with reserves of at least 150 mt .
29 Items such as happily , out and sometimes are often considered to be members of this class .
30 The work and the skills for building community are considered to be skills of wizardry ( maripa ) , and each individual acquires such skills , as appropriate to gender , through ‘ lessons in wizardry ’ ( maripa teau ) .
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