Example sentences of "[vb pp] [prep] [art] case " in BNC.

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1 The merits of the plaintiff 's objections to the means of valuation do not appear from the report , and did not need to , because this was a striking-out application under RSC Ord 18 , r19 , which allows no evidence to be heard about the case that the plaintiff wished to make .
2 Immediate reactions to this news brought about utter mental confusion , rapid breathing and a tendency to hop about the place , with a risk of injury , diagnosed as a case of galloping boggle .
3 Margery Kempe has been diagnosed as a case of religious hysteria who never recovered from puerperal fever , a victim of sexual repression , and as a hysterical personality who had psychotic episodes with pathological distortion of the sexual impulse .
4 For example , on one occasion a youth was caught urinating in the street late at might , and was very respectful and deferential when caught in the act , but , upon the policeman recalling that he had recently been one of a group which had shouted abuse at him , an act expected from gougers , he was arrested , and the incident was treated as a case of indecent exposure .
5 McLeish took her briskly through the course , making the now familiar speech about Angela Morgan 's death being treated as a case of murder , which meant taking statements from everyone who had been associated with her and might be helpful .
6 I propose that it should be treated as a case of criminal kidnap until we have evidence to the contrary . ’
7 ( g ) Skipp is to be treated as a case where " there was much more than the mere consent of the owner .
8 ( These names are somewhat arbitrary ; different names are often used in political philosophy , and sometimes one of the virtues I distinguish is treated as a case of another .
9 ’ Doyle went back to the bedroom and sorted through the case .
10 It is designed as a case study of what can be achieved on almost any upland farm in Britain , and the changes are being scientifically monitored so the results can be shared with other conservation agencies .
11 As far as he knew , the MP had not been interviewed about the case .
12 No one from Gloucester police force was available to be interviewed about the case .
13 My first question to the Minister , who is apprised of the case , is whether he is satisfied that Mrs. X and her husband were treated with compassion .
14 The Equal Opportunities Commission , which backed Mrs Weston 's 18-month battle , said : ‘ It is probably the most unreserved victory we have ever won in a case of this kind . ’
15 ALL scientific evidence has been dropped from the case against the Birmingham Six , the Court of Appeal in London was told last week .
16 This decision — to take up the shares after the issue deadline had passed — became the key point the jury was asked to pass judgment on when charges relating to other aspects of the affair were dropped from the case by the judge in his summing up .
17 Applicants must meet the normal University entry requirements , which are modified in the case of mature students ( see section on Mature Students above ) .
18 Main rotor drive system damage somewhat similar had been reported in the case of an Exec that suffered in-flight break-up while in cruising flight over Quebec .
19 An analogous situation is reported in the case of the Inca state :
20 Therefore , protein p4 was always present when analyzing the P A3 promoter , while it was not added in the case of P A2b .
21 Why , for example , should the contributories and creditors of an unregistered company be denied the protection , enjoyed in the case of a registered company , of those provisions which require a receiver to be a licensed insolvency practitioner ?
22 The unions are still engaged in a struggle to establish themselves in the available ‘ space ’ , a struggle that has very largely been resolved in the case of the BR unions where it was in any case mainly confined to representation of the footplate grades .
23 Company registration numbers are sometimes included in the case of company landlords , tenants and guarantors to assist with the more positive identification of companies for search purposes at HM Land Registry .
24 The arguments contained in The Case for the Oppressed Africans ( 1783 ) issued by the Friends in advocacy of abolition set useful signposts to the general lines of persuasion adopted for the following twenty years .
25 These could either take the form of specific questions on the material contained in the case studies or they may be used to provide the base for students to be set exercises involving library research .
26 As expected from the case studies in Oxfordshire schools ( Open University , 1982a ; West , Chapter 3 in this volume ) , the most popular strategies were ‘ staff collaboration and discussion ’ and ‘ individual reflection or introspection ’ .
27 This was not expected from the case studies , in which the ‘ pink booklet ’ was seen to play no part whatsoever .
28 " As to possession , it must be considered in every case with reference to the particular circumstances .
29 ‘ The question to be considered in every case is whether the land in its existing state , taking into account operations and uses for which planning permission … is not required , is ‘ incapable of reasonably beneficial use ’ …
30 These factors were present in the agreement considered in the case of Sayers v International Drilling Co NV ( 1971 ) .
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