Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The son of a caretaker who had annoyed them was waylaid by four of them and bludgeoned to death .
2 The label on the key Mrs Tamm has given me is crumpled and blank .
3 Although there 's some dispute about when they were last heard everyone 's agreed that it 's wonderful to hear them again .
4 Demographics , natural wastage , the new consumerism and the Thatcher ‘ revolution ’ had seen off the decaying politico-cultural formation into which many of the imagined readerships were inserted , and the ‘ structures of feeling ’ which had underpinned and sustained them were exhausted .
5 ‘ I had n't realised I was resuming hostilities ! ’
6 If I got stopped I 'm grabbing Albert and he 's coming down to get changed too !
7 When I received your ‘ phone call telling me I had won I was dumbfounded .
8 ‘ Have you forgotten I 'm engaged to your brother ? ’
9 Too often we have let ourselves be locked into a ‘ graven image ’ of ourselves , perhaps by parents and teachers .
10 He was at his best when reacting promptly and powerfully to every threat , how had he let himself be hemmed in thus by forms and processes and the operations of incompetent deputies ?
11 The same report , reversing the earlier legend excusing the Führer because he was being kept in the dark by his underlings in the Party , added : ‘ Even the Führer has lost much sympathy among the people because he has apparently let himself be taken in by his Party people and does not seem to notice what things are like in the State today . ’
12 He was a hard , cold , cynical man who had let himself be hurt by a woman .
13 A general waiver has been granted by the Council to permit the establishment of staff bonus schemes which make payments to employees calculated by reference to the gross fee income or net profits of the firm ; which are open to all employees subject only to a short ( maximum three years ) qualifying period ; where the basis of distribution ( length of service , proportionate to salary etc ) is disclosed to the staff , but where the actual level of profits or income need not be so disclosed ; and where no distribution is permitted which is related to the introduction of business .
14 No costs may be claimed which were incurred before the relevant date set out in the Grant Offer Letter .
15 Then you will easily see any you may have dropped which are trying to crawl away .
16 The distinction has to be noted ( because traditionally thinking in criminal law seems to regard it as important ) between a request by the patient that treatment be discontinued which is complied with and a request by the patient that someone stabs him to death which is complied with .
17 In temperate countries an acute syndrome of severe diarrhoea and death in young ponies in the spring has been reported which is associated with the simultaneous mass emergence of trichoneme L4 from the intestinal mucosa and submucosa .
18 Could we just er by following that up Chairman , suggest that they , that they look at p the provision of double yellow lines around the kerb , around those kerbs that go from lower Road into Road , because it 's on that corner that you get the , the van parked which is causing the visibility problems .
19 First , he 'd caught himself being scrutinised through binoculars , and then heard himself being discussed with such ribald curiosity by the staff !
20 Erm as with many , many parts of the Gospel you 're expected you 're expected to be able to look more deeply than on the surface .
21 ‘ One dress was called ‘ Dying Embers ’ after a lady at a fancy dress party who 'd claimed she was dressed as dying embers — and if someone did n't poke her soon she was going home !
22 Michelle Dixon had claimed she was sacked from the massive Trees Park Village home in Middleton St George near Darlington after expressing concern over allegations of mice and cockroaches on the premises .
23 Suddenly she realized that she had forgotten she was relying totally on speed speechreading .
24 He had almost forgotten she was coming .
25 Matter of fact , I 'd forgotten she was going to be in the bloody country until she turned up .
26 ‘ Dana , ’ Claudia said urgently , ‘ what about the show at the National Exhibition Centre — you have n't forgotten you 're modelling my dress , have you ? ’
27 ‘ You had n't forgotten you were invited ? ’
28 ‘ As a matter of fact , I 'd forgotten you were coming — and we could n't have had tea with you in any case , because Susan 's ill .
29 That she appeared to be having a marvellous time in Jamaica and was being hopelessly indulged by Dunbar had elicited no more than a shrug of Harry 's shoulders and a vague comment about his being delighted she was having such a good time .
30 So how come she 's coming
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