Example sentences of "[vb pp] [pron] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It occurred to me that he might well have heard me and decided not to answer .
2 The point was the Germans hated them and wanted to get rid of them .
3 When the Treaties of Rome creating the Common Market and Euratom had been signed in 1957 , de Gaulle had criticized them and told aides that , if he came back to power , he would " destroy " them .
4 Well I 'd only say that initially erm because then what you end up with is a sort of lucky dip which every now and then somebody will remember the bag of science tricks that somebody 's taught them and dip into .
5 Well I 'd only say that initially erm because then what you end up with is a sort of lucky dip which every now and then somebody will remember the bag of science tricks that somebody 's taught them and dip into .
6 They have tricked me but have themselves been tricked . ’
7 He saw them in terms of the hours of training he had given them and regarded their departure as something to be listed in the debit columns .
8 I could n't help remembering the pleasure I had had in my clothes , how keen my mother had been on my wearing them , how we had often designed them and chosen them together and my mother had made most of them .
9 But er because I 've had requests I 've approached them and said , Well we 'll get your documents released and see see if we can speed matters up because use your experience .
10 ‘ It will certainly release a lot of the pressure that has surrounded them and made their personal lives very difficult .
11 I had to meet customers and politicians and people like that , but the greatest thrill for me is meeting our own people , letting then know we had n't forgotten them and getting ideas from them , hearing what they think about the company and things like that .
12 When I looked then at first I could n't see , it was all — you know — black like inside my eyes , but I knew they were open and I could hear the kids yelling — and when I got up he was lying on the sofa , snoring — he must 've just dropped me and let me where I lie- ’ She stopped and Clare sat quietly waiting .
13 When I first acquired a cube , Conway and Roger Penrose , from Oxford University , had already solved theirs and remarked that it took them some time to realise the power of conjugation .
14 As far as anybody knew , he 'd mangled himself while helping a friend with some car repairs .
15 He 'd sounded regretful but pointed out that he had committed himself and felt it would be ill-mannered to tell his hostess he had now made other arrangements .
16 Then he coughed a little as if he had embarrassed himself and went on , returning to his normal , slightly facetious manner , ‘ Though not one Mrs Hobbs cared for , I 'm afraid .
17 Polish television reported on April 20 that the Citizens ' Movement for Democratic Action Party ( ROAD ) , established in July 1990 by Solidarity supporters [ see pp. 37620-21 ] , had dissolved itself and had re-formed as the Democratic-Social Movement .
18 At first he thought a tree had uprooted itself and taken flight .
19 my Lord I I do have some other observations on matters with Mr but it maybe more economical and effective on the new issues to wait until after Mr has addressed you and to deal with them at one point
20 This case was so complex and difficult that it filled many books of written record and there was so much opposing evidence that it was difficult to get at the truth , but he at last clarified everything and settled it with such skill and wisdom that all commended his extreme cleverness .
21 He added : ‘ I 've been in the shop when people have lifted something and run out , but I 've never experienced anything like this before .
22 I 've deleted everything and re-installed DOS 5 and Windows 3.1 from scratch , all to no avail .
23 He assumed that they had forgotten something and had returned .
24 I do n't want to stay anywhere too far away from my flat , in case I 've forgotten something and need to go back for it . ’
25 If you had to give a phoney address , could n't you at least have picked something that did n't have a remote basis in reality ?
26 He had a bizarre family resemblance to Picasso ; saurian as well as simian , decades of living in the sun , the quintessential Mediterranean man , who had discarded everything that lay between him and his vitality .
27 Opponents have lost their fear of facing Neath and have encountered a team low on confidence among the younger members and low on motivation among the older ones who have won everything and done everything .
28 He had dropped everything and left .
29 Ten years earlier a cartoon by David Low had depicted him as rejecting an appeal for advice by Austen Chamberlain ( soon to reappear on the stage of Baldwin 's life ) and saying , ‘ But you are Foreign Secretary . ’
30 Hungarian radio said on Oct. 22 that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev 's spokesman had reported him as having condemned the 1956 Warsaw Treaty intervention in Hungary as a violation of international law .
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